Chapter 3

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It has now been four months since the tragic event took place when you were held, hostage. You and your parents have continued to try adjusting to life without James in the picture. A lot has changed since then. You got a new job at JackTac Bar and moved into a small, cheap apartment. Your parents were very scared about you moving away after the horrible event took place but you told them that you needed to face reality, live life, and not run away from it. You threw away a lot of your old things from your parent's house but kept one thing that right now gives you a sense of purpose and joy, which was Mick Rawson's card with his number. You guys kept in really good touch and actually became friends quickly. Whenever you two weren't busy with work, you called each other to figure out what day to hang out. Life sure was different, but Mick had a way of bringing in the light through the darkness.


You had just gotten out of the shower and started putting on some clothes for work. As you were pulling up your pants and then putting down your shirt, your phone began to ring. It was Mick and of course, you picked it up right away.

"Hey, Mick, aren't you supposed to be at work? You wouldn't want to set Cooper off this early in the morning."

"I am putting on my pants right now. The man will be fine, I'll let him know that I woke up a bit late, that's all."

"That's all, I have a hard time believing that is all. You sure you didn't stay up late and rock it out with some-"

"Girl? No, darling, I had a drink or two at my place and then fell asleep with a beer bottle in my hand." Mick responded in a playful tone.

"Oh ok. Well, I have to get to work, and you should too."

"Y/n, wait I called cause I wanted to know if you were free today after work, maybe? We didn't finish talking in person the last time since I got called in by Cooper for an important case."

"Aw, I wish, but I am working extra hours today. I have to pay my bills somehow. If anything, stop by after you're done working and visit me." You responded.

"Alright, yeah I will do that. See you then." Mick said before hanging up the phone.


8:47 PM

"I will take a Bloody Mary. You know what, make that two, I bet the fine lady next to me has got to be thirsty, ain't that right mama?" One of your most regular customers, Gil said.

"Oh, I am flattered, but my boyfriend is in the bathroom and I don't think he would too pleased to see me drinking with another man once he is done doing his business. Thanks for the offer though." The woman next to Gil said before walking away.

"Wow, Gil I thought you learned your lesson with flirting up in this bar after the last girl you tried buying a drink for pepper-sprayed you in the eye and kicked you in the groin. It looks like I thought wrong." You said sarcastically as you were preparing the Bloody Mary.

"Yeah, yeah...way to throw it in my face, y/n. Just be a doll, do your job, and get me the darn drink." Gil replied.

'Here you go, ONE Bloody Mary, not two for you sir." You said as you handed over the cocktail.

After you gave Gil the drink, you heard one guy whistle and wave his hand for you to go in his direction.

"Yeah sir, what do want?"

"Let me get a Manhattan, woman." The guy said in a deep, weird tone. He seemed like he drank a lot prior to ordering his first drink at the bar, but you didn't question him. Instead, you made the cocktail and went over to hand it to him. As you placed the drink down on the table, the man grabbed your hand and as you tried to break free, he said,

Behind The Rifle (A Mick Rawson x y/n Criminal Minds: Suspect Behavior Fanfic)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum