Ymir then swung her sharp claws at Mikasa, luckily, she evaded and was now in the air.

"Alright. Looks like Ymir goes first."

Mikasa drew a fresh set of blades and went straight for Ymir. Mikasa began spinning and was about to attack Ymir but was stopped.

"Mikasa! No!" Historia yelled.

Mikasa withdrew and landed on Reiner's head.

"You're not going to kill Ymir!" Historia said.

"That all depends on her. What'll it be? She can step aside, or she can die! Her choice!" Mikasa said angrily.

"That not fair! She'll die if she doesn't go along with what Reiner and Bertholdt tell her to do! She's screwed either way!" Historia explained.

Mikasa sighed.

"Listen, there's only so many lives I can  give a damn about. Cruel. But that's the world our enemies gave us six year ago. Sorry, I don't have any heart strings left for you to tug on. You want compassion? Move on. You want fair? Tough shit. Time wasted; pick your side Christa. Eren or the bitch I'm gonna kill." Mikasa said her voice was getting colder by the second.

Ymir felt threatened and raised her hand ready to swing at Mikasa.

"Ymir, stop! Look at her face; she's means it! Don't make a move!" Historia warned the Titan. Ymir then lowered her hand.

Meanwhile, Eren was getting himself out of the restraints. He had both of his legs pushing himself forward as Bertholdt tried his best to stop him. The fabric of the restraints began to tear. Eren did one final push and fabric completely tore off. Eren removed the cloth in his mouth. His arms were partially healed he was only missing his digits. Bertholdt got scared since he was confined in a small area with Eren.

The other members of the 104th were on the Armored Titan and trying to get Eren out. Bertholdt backed away but was met with the walls of the fingers that were enclosing them.

"What's wrong, Bertholdt? Don't tell me you're scared. You've got two options here. One, you tell Reiner to let me go or I beat the living shit out of you until he does so. What will it be?" Eren said his eyes were glowing an emerald-green color. His voice was cold and held a sadistic tone which sent chills down everyone's spine.

Bertholdt was frightened. He was backed into a corner. Everyone who was outside then heard the ever-growing sound of stomps. They all turned their heads and saw a horde of Titans headed straight for them.


Everyone scattered to divert the Titans' attention, but they all had their sights on Reiner. The Armored Titan then charged through the horde of Titans but was dropped to the ground. Historia was mounted on Ymir's back when a Titan reached out for her. Ymir jumped to action and began to tear apart the Titans to protect Reiner and Historia. The Armored Titan was pinned to the ground as the Titans tried to munch on his Titan but to no avail.

The Scouts were watching, and Commander Erwin began to move forward.

"All soldiers. CHARGE! We've come to the moment of truth! Mankind's faith is decided now! There's no future within these walls without Eren! Go! Recover Eren from the Armored Titan and retreat!" Erwin ordered. He shouted with one of his blades raised to the air.

The Survey Corps commenced their charge forward with Commander Erwin leading. The Armored Titan was immobilized by the Titans that surrounded him. He had no choice but to remove his hand where Eren and Bertholdt were kept. Bertholdt was terrified while a smirk grew on Eren's face. The Armored Titan punched all Titans off him. Mikasa saw Bertholdt on the floor and Eren who stood over him.

Mikasa and Jean were together.

"Now's our chance." Mikasa said.

"Wait, Mikasa! Can you not see those Titans? I mean, you're strong, but you can't possibly deal with all of those!" Jean said sounding concerned. Mikasa couldn't care any less. 

Erwin then raised his blade once more.

"ADVANCE!" He shouted. Erwin charged forward, but his arm fell straight into a Titans mouth. His arm was trapped in the Titan's mouth and was pulled off his horse. The Scouts were shocked and scared. They were all distraught thinking that the Commander was gone.

"I SAID CHARGE GOD DAMN IT! Erwin shouted as he pointed his blade forward.

Everyone looked forward and proceeded with the retrieval mission. They all charged forward. Many soldiers were snatched and eaten. Mikasa evaded all the Titan hands coming her way until she saw Bertholdt and Eren. Eren was looking at Bertholdt making sure he didn't try anything. Eren moved out of the way as he knew Mikasa was going straight for Bertholdt. Bertholdt managed to dodge Mikasa's attack without a scratch on him. Mikasa missed and was in the air. Eren's eyes widened as he saw a giant hand about to grab Mikasa.

"Mikasa! Behind you!" Eren shouted, but it was too late. The Titan grabbed Mikasa and crushed her ribs. Fortunately, she managed to get out.

Eren looked back at Bertholdt. He took one of the blades from his ODM gear.

"Wait, what are you doing?" Bertholdt asked. He was sweating uncontrollably now.

"What do you think I'm going to do?" Eren said then drove the blade straight into Bertholdt's stomach. Bertholdt let out an agonizing scream. Eren began to push the blade further with his foot. Mikasa then came over to Eren, grabbed him, and got themselves out of the pile of Titans.

Everyone began retreating, but the fight wasn't over yet. The Armored Titan began to throw Titans at the Survey Corps and began to form massive clouds of dust making everyone near-sighted.

Mikasa couldn't take the pain no longer and tumbled. They both landed on the ground. Eren coughed up all the dust he inhaled and Mikasa felt a sharp pain coming from her ribs. Eren crawled over to her.

"Don't push yourself. It'll only make it worse." Eren said in a concerned yet saddened tone. He then helped Mikasa sit up. Eren and Mikasa then saw a figure coming toward them. The same figure from all those years ago the Smiling Titan.

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