Chapter 1

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"Remember, we must be quiet. We don't want to spook it"

Avery nodded her blonde curly locks, making them bouncing softly.  Crouching her small legs into the tall grass.

I began slowly perching myself behind her as she raised the hand gun into the air.  The small deer maybe ten yards ahead of us was grazing peacefully, soft snorts as it searched for food.

We were doing same thing.  Searching for food.  The thought of fresh meat making my mouth salivate at the sight.  

I usually would be the one hunting, but Avery needed to learn.  To scavenge, track and hunt, to survive.  In this life nothing is guaranteed, no promise of tomorrow.  And if the absolute worse happened, me no longer here to protect her.   I wanted to make sure my baby had a chance. 

Avery's hand shook softly as she steadied her gun on the deer.  Squinting her eyes with concentration.

"Take a deep breath, focus" Whispering softly in her ear. "Relax your shoulders"

"I can do it. I know it" Speaking determinedly as she exhaled a slow breath.  Making my own chest raise with pride.

Avery wasn't biologically mine.  But she might as well be.  I found her, just a toddler screaming in her locked bedroom.  Her echoing cries able to catch mine and my brother's attention as we scavenged for food in a nearby house.   Every fiber in my body told me not to risk it.  Her cries will attract the Growlers.  Repeating over and over to myself. Don't do it. Do not do it.

But my instincts took over.  I couldn't neglect the screaming child, begging for help. Alone, starving, thirsty.  No signs of people or her family were near.  I couldn't bare to leave her there, knowing what would happen to her.

Shaking my head from my thoughts of the past. A soft breeze brushing my cheek, the sounds of the grass flowing in the window making the deer look up in alarm.  Ears twitching as it scanned for signs of danger.

Avery exhaled one more slow breath,  before pulling the trigger.

The small doe dropped as the silenced bullet penetrated the white fur coating it's chest, with a whining grunt its twitching legs slowed.

"I did it! I did it mommy!" Avery cheered quietly, her body wanting to scream with joy but her brain telling her differently.  I have it drilled into her head that silence it best.  Silence keeps you safe, it hides you.  Like a shield, being able to lurk within the shadows without being seen.

"Come on! We've got to get this home before Growlers catch sight of us" Grunting out as I lifted the deer across my shoulder.  The warm slick blood coating me as I held the two sets of limbs in each arm, arching the heavy carcass around my neck. Ignoring the fact the blood would seep through my matted auburn hair.

 Avery smiled cheerfully as she followed beside me.  Tucking her gun against her hip, securing it in her hand made makeshift holster.  

We pushed through the foliage for about an hour before I could make out the rusty metal fencing surrounding our small RV.  Keeping my eyes peered for anything and anyone out of normal. 

Releasing a breath once convinced we were safe.  My body was aching, sweat seeped out of my pores as I adjusted the deer's body.

Avery raced to the locked fence, unlocking it quickly as her golden locks sprung up and down  happily. "Henry! Henry! I did it!" Her semi loud screams making flinch.

I shouldn't let her scream like that, but she deserves at least a moment of pure joy.

 Heaving the deer onto the old picnic table next to our small fire pit.  The sun was beginning to set. I would have to get to cooking this fast if we wanted to eat this tonight. The creaking of the of the RV door swung open.

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