"And you won?"

"He fought better than I had expected, considering how young he must've been compared to I, but my experience and skill overpowered him. I left him alive, a sign of respect of his ability and that he had stayed true to his word and had not used the Force."

"Congratulations on your victory." Athair says, "How long ago was this?"

"Just last year." Teoir answers, "Were you ever a Jedi? Or the little girls I assume are your apprentices?"

"I wasn't. My daughters were, eventually they left and got led to me."

She fidgets when she hears the word 'daughters' before nodding her head. Perhaps that simple word answered any questions she had internally.

"You seem to dislike my older one."

"She has potential, but she lacks enough experience to fight any duelist who has mastered several of the forms and fought a variety of beings. She's young."

"Like you?"

She narrows her eyes, "Yes."

Athair walks to the other side of the table and behind her and says, "So, Teoir, what would happen if I let you go?"

"I don't have my ship. I can't go anywhere. And you lack a surplus of ships to let someone borrow one."

Athair thinks for a moment. She has an air of certainty, one that could be considered annoying. But her ability with her blade could be helpful if she is pushed to teach. Athair doesn't believe he would need it, he has plenty experience with lightsabers, and he prefers to settle matters with the Force as does Inion. Deifiur doesn't. Perhaps with Teoir's help, Deifiur can rise in power and prowess. She would be able to defend herself better.

Inion would see Teoir as another being that is standing in the way of potential goals, and it is likely Inion will attack Teoir as well. Though she could also learn ways to be effective with the Force against blocks and dodges. Her cunning and creativity that her sister has but she lacks will rise.

He knew in a fight Teoir would defeat both his daughters. Deifiur is extremely skilled with combat, but Teoir was a true master of it who had dedicated her entire life to the art of using lightsabers entirely. And Inion is more powerful with the Force than Teoir, but Teoir was better with lightsabers than Inion was with the Force. But Teoir is twenty to thirty years older than his children, she's had more time than both of them to practice her abilities. Though as great as her abilities, Teoir seems to be completely dedicated around lightsaber combat. She probably couldn't lift a feather with the Force. Both Inion and Deifiur may have their own areas, but they made sure to be able to use the others as well in an efficient manner.

"What if you stayed here? Helped us here on Korriban?" Athair says, as if he were a entrepenor offering a deal.

"What do you have here that I could ever want?" She asks, seemingly offended that he asked such a question.

"On this planet reigns many different types of monsterous beings of which you could fight against. Like terentareks for example. You will be permitted to keep valuables and such from the kills you make." Athair says, "All you must do is find one. Whether you search for these creatures indpendently or not is entirely up to you, but I would like to be notified of creatures you find."

"And living conditions?"

"There are spare places everywhere in this Temple, I just need to trust that you will not assassinate any of my daughters while they sleep, or myself."

"And what about your slaves?"

"Give them a word and they should obey. If not, punish them in a way you view fit. Just avoid killing them, especially in large numbers."

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