2.The mistake

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Everything was going great in their relationship until something changed... Stiles started acting strange and distance, Lydia was worried about him but didn't think that much of it, she just though he had anxiety because of his job at the FBI.
One night Lydia was sleeping when she heard something from downstairs, she took her phone put the flashlight on and went down.
She never expected to see stiles standing at the door covered in blood. She panicked and started Interrogating him.

Lydia:"stiles what happened?"
Stiles:" i-i don't know okay leave me alone"
Lydia: "stiles, please talk to me"
Stiles: "i don't remember okay? There was this new girl at work I think her name was Y/N, we were just talking and I can't remember anything else..."
Lydia: "are you saying you cheated on me?"
Stiles:" god dammit Lydia of course I didn't cheat on you I've loved you since 3th grade, now can we just sleep"
Lydia:"not before we talk, and shouldn't you shower first you're literally soaked in blood"
Stiles: "wil you join me?" He asked her Smirking mischievous.
Lydia:"are you being serious right now, you're literally covered in someone's blood and you don't remember anything, now is not the time"
Stiles:"you're right I'm sorry"
Stiles went upstairs to shower.
Lydia grabs her phone and tries to call Scott.
After multiple times he finally picks up:
Scott:"what's going on Lydia why are you calling me in the middle of the night"
Lydia:" Scott, i-i think something is wrong with stiles, he's been acting strange and today he came home covered in blood with no memories of what happened."
Scott:" no way, there must be a normal explanation right? Stiles we know would never kill somebody without a reason."
Lydia:"i don't know, can you please call the pack again so we can figure this all out"
Scott:" i can try, but you'll have to talk to Malia because we kind of broke up and haven't really spoken since then"
Lydia:" ok sure, I'll call her tomorrow"

Lydia hangs up the phone and goes back to bed where stiles is already waiting for her.
He starts running his hand all over her body. He tries kissing her but Lydia is, she's scared of him,trying to push him away. Stiles gets the hint, turns over and goes to sleep.
"Goodnight Lydia" he says with a deep voice.

Teen Wolf: dark Stiles returns Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat