Background Profile

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Your general family information

Parents- D/n, M/n
Dad- speed dragon
Mom- air quirk
Siblings- Two older brothers

Máximo (older by 7 years)
Name meaning: el más grande
Water dragon quirk
mixed with speed dragon passed down from his father.

Kamil (older by 4 years)
Name meaning: perfección
Earth dragon quirk
mixed with air quirk passed down from his mother.

Y/N ( youngest) 16
Fire dragon quirk
Inherited both dads and moms quirk but somehow one of the most legendary quirks that don't come easily being passed down from the Mondragon generation from her great great grandfather she was blessed to have the powerful Fire dragon quirk.

You have a large extended family in Mexico with many cousins, some of whom can be difficult to get along with, but you still have a deep love for them. Among your cousins, Maximo stands out as someone who plays a significant role in your life. He acts like a second parent, showing genuine care for you and providing advice and life lessons that often last for hours.

On the other hand, Kamil has a more mischievous personality. He tends to bother you when you're busy training or focusing on your personal pursuits. For instance, you might be studying in your room when he suddenly sneaks up behind you, pulls your hair, and calls you names like "que haces?". However, his attempts at mischief often backfire, as he sometimes ends up crashing into a wall due to his own foolishness. In response to his actions, you retaliate by defending yourself, but he retaliates back.


Y/N has a sharp and witty personality, often using sarcasm and indulging in gossip (cough she enjoys keeping up with the latest news). She possesses a determined nature, instilled in her by her father and brothers, who have taught her to stand up for herself and never allow anyone to belittle her or bring her down. When she displays a difficult attitude, she can be quite assertive, but she also has an outgoing side, often seen with a bright smile when engaging in activities she enjoys. However, when things become serious or chaotic, she is prepared to take charge. She may have a resting face that appears unapproachable to others.

Some perceive her as cocky, occasionally allowing her ego to soar, but she also possesses a caring nature, willing to make great sacrifices for those she loves. She has inherited the skill of roasting people from her brothers, often engaging in playful banter. When encountering new individuals, she tends to observe them intently, as if trying to understand their character and assess if they might present a worthy challenge. Additionally, she provides insightful advice, which she learned from her older brother.

It is important to note that Y/N strongly opposes misogynistic behavior and fights for women's rights. She despises it when people undermine her strength simply because she is a girl.


Quirk name: Fire Dragon 🔥

Explanation: This quirk holds a legendary status, passed down only to you. While one might perceive it as merely fire manipulation and dragon-like abilities, it encompasses far more. Instead of merely emitting fire from your body and having your eyes turn red, you have dedicated yourself to refining your control over fire. Through rigorous training, you have developed the ability to solidify and reinforce your flames, molding them into a unique manifestation that combines hardness and intense heat. This allows you to shape and strengthen your fire in ways that go beyond the ordinary.

Feroz Amor (Bakugo x reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang