"Hey, at least you did!"

Sophie crossed her arms. "No I didn't."

"It's just a book, right?"

Sophie's eyes widen. "OH BOY YOU'LL WISH YOU NEVER SAID THAT-"

"Said what?" asked a voice from behind.

Sophie turned around. These people really liked to get to her from behind.

It was Sandra.

"Y'all are siblings?" asked Sophie.


Sophie didn't know why she hadn't seen the resemblance earlier. Both light brown hair and green eyes.

A boy joined them.

"And this is...?" Sophie asked the boy.

"Tony." He replied, "How can you not remember me? I was the only who blew up the-"


"Sheesh, I was going to tell you about it while we were eating.."

Sophie didn't think blowing up the teacher with questions was categorized as an eventful thing.

"What did you blow up?" Samuel asked.

"I blew the teacher up-"

"YOU WHAT? Who was the teacher?"

"-with questions."

"Oh. But who was the teacher?"

"Don't worry! Not yours."

Sandra crossed her arms. "You are so annoying!"

"Good to know."

"Anyway, why is Sophie here with us?"

"Oh, uh, can we have her join the group? To eat with us?"


They chatted for the rest of the lunch period, and it had been so long.

So long since she'd felt like she belonged.

So long since she'd had friends.

And so long since she'd been appreciated for being herself.

The rest of the day was uneventful, without anyone trying to blow the teacher up with questions.

Before she knew it, Sophie was walking up to the sidewalk to Shaky Shakes and Burgers.

Sophie took a deep breath. Here we go, she thought.

She walked in, and it still had the same jolly music that was there the time she went in for the interview.

She went up to Sarah, one of the workers that had interviewed her. She was fairly nice.

"Hi, Sophie."


"Ready for your first day?"

"I'll be ready as I'll ever be."

Sarah taught her how to take a customer, how to make shakes, burgers, fries, and other items, and clean the restaurant. By around dinner time, Sophie had mastered everything.

"Since you're a beginner, you'll have to work at the back."

"Sure thing."

When it got to dinner time, busy was a mild way to describe it.

There were people going in and out of the door at all times.

By the time things had settled down, Sophie was exhausted.

She was exhausted because all Sarah and her friends Alex and Henry did was stand around watching the TikTok thing and pretend to be busy when the boss was coming.

Meaning that Sophie had to cook, take orders, and take out the orders to the customers.

Sophie's legs were giving in, and her arms could barely hold the weight of her keys when she opened up her apartment that night.

Sophie was so tired she didn't eat that night, or the morning.

Sophie had tears in her eyes.

That was because her luckiness was slowly fading.

And because, at her doorstep, were pictures of herself.

With the Neverseen sign.

They were coming to get her.

Hello! Third update of the week!

Sorry again for the cliffhanger.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and if you did, please vote and comment!

Please let me know if you prefer longer or shorter chapters. I, personally prefer longer chapters so the updates are worth waiting for, but you are the readers so it is fine with me!

Thanks and have a great rest of your day!

- Somerandomhuman88

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