Jealousy (AU): GN Hange x F Reader

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"Soooo, tell me about your day," Hange sang, turning to face you completely.

"Well," you grinned. "I—"

You were cut off when a man slid into the seat that was next to Hange's. He was around your age group with black hair slicked back with an immense amount of gel. His light blue eyes traveled over you then to Hange and he let out a small smirk.

"Hellooo pretty ladies," he leaned closer to Hange. "How are you two doing this fine evening?"

Hange glanced over at you with a little smile before turning to him. "Um, hi! We're fine."

"That's great. Can I get you anything to drink?" He tilted his face towards Hange's his eyes travelling over the length of their body.

You furrowed your eyebrows. Was he...flirting with Hange? No, perhaps he was just drunk and was trying to be nice.

"I've got a drink, thank you though," Hange smiled.

"You have a nice smile," the man grinned, leaning even closer.

Hange bit back their laughter and nodded. "Thanks."

"I didn't catch a name? I'm Steve, and you are...." He held out a hand.

"Hange," Hange replied, briefly shaking his hand.

Steve brought Hange's hand over to his mouth and gave it a light kiss. Hange's eyes widened, and their gaze flitted over to your frowning face.

"And I'm (Y/N)," you declared, shoving your hand out and forcefully shaking the man's hand.

"Are you two here alone?" Steve asked, motioning for the bartender to get his order.

"No, we're here together," you said slowly, hoping he would get the hint.

Steve leaned over and brushed the hair out of Hange's face and the heat in your glare increased. Oh, he was definitely flirting with Hange now. And right in front of you! The audacity that this man had.

Hange laughed, awkwardly, unsure what to do. "Well, it was nice meeting you, Steve. Me and (Y/N) are going to go dance, now."

"Oh, I'll join you!" Steve hopped off the stool.

You huffed. "You really don't have to."

"Please, I would love to have such a lovely dance partner!" Steve grabbed Hange's hand and tugged them towards the dance floor.

Hange turned around to motion you to follow but paused when they noticed the murderous expression on your face. Your eyes were staring daggers at Steve and your fists were clenched. You looked so cute when you were jealous! Hange wanted to see the extent you'd go to and they decided to play along with Steve, wrapping their arms around their neck as Steve's hands found their waist.

Your eyes narrowed. Hange was agreeing to dance with this slimy man? Oh, no they didn't, you were going to stop them. You walked closer, shoving the people that were in your way. You were going to give Steve a piece of your mind. You stomped over to where the two were dancing and Hange gave you a little smirk. Your eyebrows furrowed and then your eyes widened when you realized that Hange was enjoying your jealousy. You paused in your pursuit and crossed your arms. You were not going to give them the satisfaction of seeing you envious. You could do this.

Hange's smiled grew even wider when they saw you were trying to resist the impulse of punching Steve. Trying to irk you even more, Hange leaned closer to the man, their foreheads almost touching. Surely, you would do something now.

You inhaled deeply, trying to contain your annoyance. This was alright. Hange was just dancing with a man...after they had left you waiting two hours for your date. Irritation was building throughout you when you realized that on the one day you two finally had time to spend with each other, Hange was dancing with another man.

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