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Halime's P.O.V

The deep cold night tested my patience well, I hardly managed my eyes from snapping out, as my body felt utterly tired and out of energy. I still handled to stay awake for Ertugrul. I know he must be so tired, and if I sleep he will too sleep without his food. He is too worn out to do anything at the end of the day, so I too decided to wait for him and we can have a peaceful dinner together after a long time. I heard my stomach growled out of hunger, but a little more time won't do anything wrong.

It's been so long, almost three months as far I remember after I gave Ertugrul the news of our second baby, we didn't had a quality time. We were facing many hurdles lately, and I knew it wasn't Ertugrul's fault. He is all surrounded by the inside betrayel and plannings against him, and though from some time he is also behaving different, but I keep my hope. After all, his works and task wasn't easy. His behaviour changed quiet a lot since his Alps rescued Leyla Hatun from some unknown danger, and she started to live in our tribe. Surprisingly, she too made her entry two months ago. Her existence is troubling me a lot, but I am telling myself to keep this thoughts away for Ertugrul's sake.
At the every end of day, I know my husband will come to me and he only loves me. It always soothes my heart and mind.

My eyes immediately snapped open as I heard a tinkling sound, it was Ertugrul's sword. He saw me in surprise, he didn't intended to woke me, but his sword didn't get along with him. I didn't realized when I dozed off with thousands of thoughts running in my mind.

"Hoşgeldiniz, Ertugrul!" I said wearily as I managed to dragged myself out of the bed.

"Eyvallah Hatun." He replied me unbuckling his sword. I noticed Ertugrul's face expressionless or maybe dulled in thoughts as I intently watched him.

Apparently, he seemed so confuse, maybe his heart was convincing him to not believe what his mind wants him to. The silent battle going on inside him just astonished me. Ertugrul is never a person to let his mind and heart figure out his decisions.

"I will ready the food." I said in absent state as my gazed didn't left his face, but he was unaware of it.


He came out of his unspoken thoughts and looked at me, realizing I was staring him from past two minutes.

"Actually no Halime. I and Turgut have to go in the guest tent, currently there's some important matter with Leyla Hatun." He said without a single hesitation making my eyes wide.

"You go back to sleep, I will be back soon. You must be tired." Without even waiting for my reply, Ertugrul exited the tent as I remained stood in shock.

The matter with that women took more important place for Ertugrul than his wife, that he didn't even bothered to ask me if I had my dinner or not. He know I don't eat usually without him except for he is gone for war. I blinked several times to changed my fixes eyes from floor. I gulped as I felt my heart clenched deeply. Why do I felt from the first that this woman is hell bent on snatching my everything from me.

My hunger died at the spot and I just carelessly dropped myself on the mattress snuggling closer to my blanket. I felt hurt. I am ignoring his cold and absent-minded behaviour from two months, but my every limits are at it's end now. I controlled my tears hardly, seems like either he forgot me or don't love me anymore. And any possibility is hitting me deep inside.

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