10: First Customer

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I didn't go anywhere except class, so when I went back to the room Adonis asked where I went.

"I was just opening a shop." I explained.

"A shop? What kind? Where?" he hurriedly asked.

"Jeez chill, my shop is a blacksmithing and tailoring shop. It is in the forest." I stated.

"Blacksmithing and tailoring?! I didn't know you could blacksmith or tailor! Why didn't you tell me?" he questioned.

"Jeez, didn't know you were my mom." I mumble.

"Wait, can I buy something from you? I need a new sword, mine broke when I was practising yesterday. Plus, I'll be your first customer and I'll tell everyone I know to buy from your shop!" Adonis pleaded.

"Sure. Also I do enchantments as well. Do you want some enchantments on your sword too? Like an enchantment that makes the swords unbreakable?" I suggested.

"You do enchantments too? Can you do that please? How much for it?" he asked like a child asking for candy.

"Sure and as for the payment, you don't have to pay anything." I said.

"What? I should pay, I can't just let you do everything for me and not pay back. You already did so much for me, like cooking for me everyday and you even gave me some level 2 cores in the hunting competition!" he stated.

"Look, consider your payment already paid. After all, you did get me into the class with the kids from Qingham kingdom anyway. Plus, you can just pay for everything else you buy." I said.

"Ok! I will surely buy from you sometime later!" he exclaimed.

"I'll go make your sword now. Bye!" I ran off towards my shop.

I went into the backroom of my shop and entered my space pocket. I altered the time in the space pocket to 1 hour in there equals 1 minute out here. I went in and made a sword and a ring for Adonis. The sword I made for him was black with a bit of gold and the enchants I put a sharpening enchant on it as well as one that made it more durable. The ring had an invisibility enchantment on it. Both items were also enchanted with a spell that prevented people from stealing them.

 Both items were also enchanted with a spell that prevented people from stealing them

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

(That's the sword^)

"Here ya go." I handed the items to Adonis.

"Hah? You finish so quickly! How? *gasp* This sword is so pretty." he said with bright eyes.

"I enchanted it with sharpness and it will also be very hard to break and both items can't be stolen." I stated.

"Wait, what is the ring for?" Adonis asked.

"Well consider it a gift. It is a ring I made for you. It is enchanted with invisibility so you can escape from difficult situations or... you can sneak away from guards when you want to have some fun or something." I explained.

"Are you sure I should have these? I know enchanted items are expensive and you're just gonna let me take it?" he questioned.

"Oh shut it. It's not too hard to make and I owed you." I said.

"If you say so." he said.

On Tuesday we went to basic battle class. We could bring our own weapons into class and if you didn't have one you could just borrow the school's weapons. They let you bring your own weapons so you could get better with the weapon you specialized in or whatever. You couldn't use your own weapons in practice battles with other students though because depending on your weapon you could have advantages. Mostly referring to students who had enchanted weapons. Today Adonis brought the sword I made him.

I decided to bring some cards I specially made. They were extremely durable and sharp. The cards also couldn't be stolen of course. The cards were also extremely resistant to all types of magic and all physical attacks. The cards could be infused with any of my elemental magic or just mana itself. I could also call them back when I threw them and I could change their size. I had a bunch of these cards, there were 5 different cards. All of the cards were black with white. The first card was just a normal ace of spades card, it had no meaning. The second, third, and fourth card types were number cards. They were the one, two, and three of spades. These cards were warnings, the opponent had 3 chances to kill me or surrender. After I throw the 3 number cards I will use the last card to kill them. The final card was a king of spades, it's only purpose was to kill. It was also the sharpest and most durable card out of them all. I had one of each number card and king card. I had a bunch of the normal cards though.

Anyways I found out that Adonis and the battle basics teacher were quite close. The teacher used to train Adonis when he was little. The battle basics teacher was Ivan Bohr, or Teacher Bohr. He had brown hair and a muscular body. Adonis and him were quite similar, not in looks of course. They both loved swords though, so what happens when Adonis brings a new, shiny sword to practice?

After Teacher Bohr finished instructing us on what to do for class he ran over to Adonis,"Adonis! Why didn't you tell me you got a new sword? Let me see it." he excitedly asked.

Adonis said,"Sure." and handed the sword over.

Teacher Bohr took the sword out of the sheath and beamed,"Wow, it's so pretty." he exclaimed.

"I know right." Adonis boasted.

I was standing next to them so I could hear the whole thing. I got used to their sword lover stuff though, so it's only a little weird to me now.

"Who made it? I've never seen such blacksmithing in this kingdom before. It's quite unique." he asked.

He turned the sword over and saw my brand mark. It was a spade like the one on my cards. I decided to do my whole brand based on spades. I called my shop 'Ace of Spades'. The spade mark was on the button corner of the blade of the sword.

Adonis pointed at me with his thumb and said,"He made it."

Teacher Bohr looked around and said,"Who?"

"Teacher, Orion made it. He opened a shop in the forest. It's called 'Ace of Spades'. It is a blacksmithing, tailoring, and enchanting shop. I was his first customer too." Adonis explained proudly.

Teacher Bohr looked at me and asked with sparkling eyes,"Will you make me a sword?"

That is the story of my second customer. After I made him a sword he kept boasting about and I started getting customers. The store was only open after school hours though, but that also wasn't too good for business. So I decided to make a robot helper so my store could be open 24/7. It would receive orders people have made and I could look at them. First I made a sign and put all of the prices on it. I labeled the items in my shop with a color so they would know what that item would cost. They could buy the item by giving the money to the robot. The robot will also serve as a second security system. As for commissions people would pay half upfront and half when they pick up the item three days later. If they wanted me to deliver then they would have to pay 10 silvers and give me the address. All of this would be done with the new robot.

I started making my helper. I decided to make it look like a robotic cat. You would feed it money and the money would go into the space storage inside it's stomach. There would also be a robotic voice that would instruct people on what to do. There would be pre-programmed phrases that it would have. I finished and set it up. It ran my magic and I needed to recharge it every night. I could recharge it and check on the orders.

A lot of commoners went to my shop because the clothes there were pretty cheap and looked nice. A couple of nobles went as well for some clothes or jewelry and some even bought some enchanted stuff. Knights would come to buy armor or weapons and the knights in higher positions would buy some enchanted weapons or armor.

A Typical Transmigration Story-_-(Discontinued)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن