5: Talking with the Prince

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"Ello~" I said while landing next to the prince.

"Oh it's you. You're the one who helped the knights from the bandits." He said while looking unsure whether to trust me or not.

"Yep, that's me. Soo... why were you running away from your guards?"

"Ughh... I hate having to keep guards around me everywhere I go. I just want a little freedom from time to time. Is that really too much to ask?" the prince sulked.

"Well... if it makes you feel better, your parents just want you to be safe. I mean they do have a reason to worry. You are the Prince of the Thorns Kingdom." I explained.

"Yeah yeah. Anyways who are you?" he inquired.

"You can call me Orion." I answered with a smile.

"No last name?" he questioned.

"No need for one." I replied.

"Where are you from?"

"I'm technically a summoned hero from Qingham but a different summoned hero tried to kill me and the King of Qingham is an a** so I left."

"That's pretty brave to call a king an a**."

"I mean I can protect myself just fine and I didn't know the imperial prince cursed." I said with a smirk.

He raised an eyebrow at my statement.

"...You wanna go on a walk in the forest?" he asked


We got down from the roof and started walking on a random path in the forest.

"What was it like from your other world?" he asked after some time.

"Hmm... I sorta hated it."


"...Well basically everyone hated me. There was also nothing to do either so it was super boring."

"Why did people hate you?" he warily asked.

"I don't really know. I know the people in school hated me because my brother hated me and everyone loved my brother. I don't know exactly why my family hates me though." That was sorta a lie. I knew why they hated me. It was because they could never make me cry.

"Oh, I'm sorry"

"Don't be. I mean, it's not your fault anyways. Not like I can do anything about it either, since I am not in that world anymore. But my brother is a summoned hero and so are most of the people who hated me. He came with me here."

"What are you going to do?"

"What do you mean?"

"Are you gonna get revenge or something?"

I smiled and said,"Of course. I mean they have been tormenting me my entire life and even tried to kill me. I just don't know how to get back at them though."

"You could join the Magic Academy."

"How would that help?"

"Well... every summoned hero goes to the Magic Academy in this kingdom."

"Why is that?"

"It's because it's the best Magic Academy there is obviously."

"I guess that makes sense. How do I get in though?"

"You have to pass the entrance exam. Oh also, you have to pay a toll of 5 gold coins. Those bastards made the entrance 5 gold so only a small group of commoners can attend. I can pay it for you if you want. It would be nice to have a friend that doesn't care about my status there."

"There is no need, I can play it for myself. Also how do you know I don't care about your status hmmm?"

"I mean, most people who care about my status are super stiff around me."

"It's pretty late do you think we should head back?"

"I guess."

"Also can I ask a favor from you?"


"Can you pull some strings for me and get me in the same class as the people from Qingham?"

"Sure" he answered with a smirk.

We talked for a bit and finally arrived in front of the palace and said our goodbyes.


"See you in school"

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