8: The Hunting Competition

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While walking back to our dorm still hand in hand Adonis asked me,"Did he really try to kill you Orion?"

"Hmm? Oh yep." I grimaced, thinking of the pain of when he stabbed me.

The mana manipulation class went without any problems and in basic battle class, they announced that there will be a hunting competition next week. All four years will participate. There will be one score board per year. The scores will be based on how many beast cores you get. We will go into the forest for one full week and on Saturday the cores will be counted.

The rest of the week went by pretty quickly.

The morning of Sunday we made our way to the area where the competition would be held. They were going to explain some things about the competition and the forest.

"Hello students of this Academy! Let's get straight to the point. The point will be as according, level 1 beast cores will be worth 1 point, level 2 will be worth 3, level 3 will be worth 5, and level 4 will be worth 7. You will have to leave any of your storage rings here in case of cheating. The school will provide temporary storage rings for you to use during your stay in the forest. We will not be there to save you though so try your best not to die. If you choose to opt out of this you will be more prone to expulsion. You will be teleported to a random area in the level 1 area. There are four areas, level 1, 2, 3, and 4. You can tell which area is which because you will see a colored barrier around the forest. Yellow for 1, orange for 2, green for 3, and blue for 4. You may choose to go to any of these areas. I recommend you to not test your luck though. I think that is it, good luck!" the announcer explained.

Everyone got their own storage rings from the school. Everyone also chose a weapon from the weapon rack. The weapons were all bad, they were either broken or rusted. I was pretty far in the back so I got a long rod. It was in pretty good condition compared to the other weapons but people didn't think it would be a good weapon. Without proper training you wouldn't know how to use it though so I couldn't blame them. Adonis got a pretty good sword because people wanted to get on his good side so they let him pick first.

"Please stay still everyone and prepare for the teleportation." a teacher said.

I saw a bright light and closed my eyes. When I opened my eyes I was in the middle of a forest.

'I wonder if I should go to the level 4 area. Hmm... nah, it would be too suspicious. I'll go if Adonis goes. Speaking of Adonis, let's find him.'

I spread my mana around to find him.

'There he is!'

I ran towards Adonis and snuck up behind him and jumped on his back.

"Adoniss~~ I found you!" I cheered.

"Who? Oh hello Orion. How did you find me though?" Adonis questioned.

"That's a secret! Anyways, what area do you want to head too?" I asked.

"I was going to start in level 2 and maybe go to level 3 if I felt confident enough." he explained,"What about you Orion?"

"I was just gonna follow you to be honest." I said.

"Are you gonna be ok in level 2 and 3?" he asked.

"Of course! What do you take me for?!" I inquired.

We then started running towards the level 2 area. Adonis was running ahead and I was following behind him.

'I should probably let Cormac train.'

[Hey Cormac? Do you want to train with these beasts?] I asked.

[Sure!] Cormac nodded in my sleeve.

When we reached the level 2 area I let out Cormac.

"Are you gonna make Cormac do all the work?" Adonis chuckled.

"Hmph! Cormac wanted too so I'm letting him, plus these beasts are pretty weak anyways. For me atleast." I whispered the last part.

"If you say so." Adonis replied.

I spread my mana around to find some beasts.

"Let's head to that direction." I directed.

After a bit of walking we found some spit frogs. Spit frogs got their name because they... well... spit y'know. They spit a green substance that is very hard to get off. They are also covered in it as well. They usually spit at your face so you can't scream or see then they kill you or they spit at your feet so you can't move then kill you. The substance does not have any offensive uses so their tongues are extra long and sharp. Their skin is also pretty thick.

Anyways after we killed some spit frogs around the pond we were at, it had been a couple hours already. I didn't hunt too much because Cormac was and I wouldn't gain anything from it. We then hunted some dash alligators next. They are like normal alligators but they can dash like their name says. After we hunted some alligators we decided to have lunch. I cooked some alligator for us and we ate for a bit.

"Hey, how many cores did you get Orion?" Adonis questioned.

"I got umm... 126 cores. How about you?" I stated.

Normally the first years only get around 20-30 at most hunting level 2 beasts all day.

"126! I only got 78." he said dejectedly.

"I mean you did good too. Most people don't get that much on the first day hunting level 2s." I comforted.

"I guess and plus, Cormac did all the work for you anyway." he said with a smirk.

"Hmph. Whatever. Anyways, wanna go to sleep and go to the level 3 area tomorrow?" I asked.

"Sure" he answered.

Even though I didn't fight much, I kept an eye on everyone so that none of us got hurt. If Adonis or Cormac was about to get hurt I would step in and help. They didn't need any help in the level 2 area though.

We found a big tree and sat next to each other. I told him Cromac would keep watch because he only needs to sleep every 3 days or so. I pretended to fall asleep with my back against the tree. Adonis fell asleep pretty quickly. I talked with Cormac for a bit and thought about the 'heroes' from Qingham kingdom as well. I mean like how good could a hero be if he tried to kill a comrade, like wow y'know. I feel like the Qingham king will ask for me to come back as well, I wouldn't of course. He will probably say something along the lines of 'they missed you' or try to guilt trip me into coming back another way. I don't know if he will do it after the four years or not. He might try to kick me out of this school if I don't accept tho. Oh well I can just teleport back in to visit Adonis.

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