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When Nick became the Director of SHEILD he knew that he would not be able to have a normal life. Sure just being an agent didn't mean that he was safer, especially in his line of job; just being associated with SHIELD meant danger. However, as the years passed and most of the agents who he trained with retired and had made a family (except for Phil bless that man) he knew that he would never have a normal life. 

So when Fury was strolling through some unsavory parts of Manhatten, yes he took strolls, Fury heard a loud cry for help, his eyebrow raised and his steps automatically walked faster to the sound of a child screaming crying for help as a man with a knife was threatening said child. Fury didn't laze around when he became the Director, actually, it meant he had to work even harder though he didn't take any active missions in years.

Fury made quick work of the man by twisting his arm and the knife fell out of the balding and very smelly obese man. After he took care of the man his eyes turned to the child. The child had a gun in his hands but his arms shook however his eyes were determined. So that is why the man did not make his move. Fury thought as he eyed the bleeding woman who looked like the child's mother.Fury felt pity for the child who lost his mother. Fury always loved his family, why do you think he would someday talk to Captain America about change with his grandfather as an example? Anyway back to the child. The child was shaking his eyes red from crying but was glaring at him with determination.Fury was impressed.

"Kid, is that your mother behind you?" The kid hiccuped a sob as he turned to face his very still mother. Fury then took the gun out of the child's hands.

"Rule one kid. Always keep your eyes on your opponent" said, Fury turning off the safety on the gun. The kid looked shocked for a moment but nodded his head. The kid was covered in dirt and he looked banged up and in damn need of medical help. He didn't know how old the kid was but he couldn't be and shouldn't be that small.

"Kid-" but the kid cut him off

"Who are you, and why did you help me?" the kid said warily of the man and eyed the gun in his hands

"That's what adults are supposed to do kid" He was impressed the kid could be brave in this situation.

"Didn't stop Smelly Gabe from killing my mom." the kid said with sadness and anger in his eyes "And if adults were supposed to help me why didn't they help me when smelly Gabe beat me and my mom! Why didn't they call the police when they heard my mom being shot!!" the kid shouted his voice full of hate and anger "WHY!!" then the kid sobbed and Fury tried to console the kid with an awkwardly placed hug but thankfully the kid leaned in as he sobbed his heart out

"Why did my mom have to die....." Fury felt an ache in his secret agent-trained heart. The child was brave facing his mother's killer but he was still a child "She-she-" Fury hugged the boy a bit tighter. A few moments later the child stopped crying and rubbed his nose and eyes but still sniffing every few moments.

"Kid" Fury said softly and the boy looked up. "Can you tell me where your father is?" The kid stiffens a bit but then pointed to the so-called 'Smelly Gabe'. Fury felt. Well furious. So the kid's father killed his own wife and then tried to kill his own child? Needless to say, the man would have a very hard life out of jail and that's even if he does get out of there in the first place.Just then the kid opened his mouth again 

"Smelly Gabe is my step-dad.... and mom always told me that my real dad was lost at sea..." Fury nodded. 

"Do you have any other relatives kid?" the boy shook his head and sniffed. "What's-what's gonna happen now? My m-m-mom-mom is-is dead and-and" Fury hugged the boy once again. Fury sighed in his head. He was not sure if this was the answer but he felt almost compelled to take the kid for himself. And not to the mercy of the system. No, the kid deserved better he saw his mother being killed in front of him for God's sake, but he was conflicted.

"Hey, kid." Fury said looking straight into his eyes. The kid may still be young but Fury saw potential in him. And when the kid stared back with his bright sea-green eyes his mind was already made up."Would you like to come live with me?" The kid's eyes widened. He took one glance at the unconscious Smelly Gabe and stared at his mother's still form. Fury thought for a second the kid might not want to come with a virtual stranger but just then the kid jumped into Fury's arms and buried his face on Fury's shoulder and hugged Fury's neck and nodded his small head. Fury smiled as he held up the boy naturally as if he had been doing this for years.

Fury walked with the child in his arms as his mind was working on details and thinking about calling Phil to take care of things.

"You know... you didn't actually answer my questions though," said the kid his voice slightly muffled.

Fury chuckled he was now very sure his life with his new kid was not going to be dull. "No, I didn't did I?"


"Nick! A guy tried to kidnap me when I was playing in the playground!"

"Nick!! I swear I didn't pull the lever on the shark tank on purpose!! Oh, so I don't have to change schools? Great!! thanks!!"

"Nick I need to change schools!!! The teacher mocked and bullied a girl in my class he's evil!! No, I don't regret getting detention!! Yes, I did call him an old sot but he deserved it!! And I think getting expelled just for calling the teacher names is super weird!"

"Thanks, Nick for getting that guy sacked!!"

"Nick! I finally got a B on my test!! All that training was worth it!!"

"Nick!! You're finally back! Can I learn martial arts?! Uncle Phil said he knew some places! Please!! Yay!!!!! Thanks, Nick!!!!"

Nicholas Joseph Fury was happy. Though his kid was certainly not an easy child he was a great kid. The only thing he was worried about was that he was obsessed with getting stronger and getting smarter but with his past it was understandable. Nick eventually told the kid what he did in minor detail. But to his surprise, his kid just nodded and said if he could get training or join when he was older and join SHEILD. Nick was surprised but felt the happiness a father would get when their kid said they want to be like them when they grow older.

Nick Fury Adopts Percy JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now