Chapter 3

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This takes place JUST 15 MINUETES  before Mars visits Camp Jupiter because Anastasia is going to be there with him and I skipped the part where Chiron explains to the camp about Anastasia because imma lazy and skipped where Ares the Olympians that Anastasia is back

2 Weeks Later
Olympus Infirmary

Out of the entire infirmary, only one bed was occupied. In it was Anastasia Ezmerleda. Apollo and Hermes were doing a check up on her since she hasn't woken up in 2 weeks. Suddenly she starts to transform into a white tiger cub.

Apollo and Hermes start to chuckle because they knew she was waking up. The little cub sat up and stretched. She opened her crystal blue eyes and yawned. She looked and couldn't find her pater.

She suddenly jumped off the bed, much to the protest of the two gods and began to head toward the door. Though she did stumble a bit. When she got to the door, she sat at the bottom and waited for someone to open it. Hermes guessed she wanted to go find Ares so he opened the door, and out she ran, but with Apollo and Hermes on her tail.

They followed her all the way to the throne room, after going into empty rooms. She bounded right in there as if she owned the place and all talking ceased as they saw her being chased by Hermes and Apollo.

Ares had on the biggest smile and shrunk down so he could pick her up. "Looks like someone woke up." Ares commented. In response, Ana (that is what I'm gonna call her now) started to purr. Everybody chuckled. All Ana was happy about was she was finally in her pater's arms. Then she turned back into her original form.*what she looks like, or supposed to is at the beginning of the story*

"It feels great to get moving again," commented Ana.  Everyone chuckled.(Imagine her with a thick Russian accent since I couldn't find what a Greek accent sounded like)

"Where did you find me Unca Dio?" Asked Ana. She is leaning on her staff.

"You appeared at Camp Halfblood," replied Dionysus.

"CAN I GO THERE!!PLEASE!" Begged Ana. Everyone looked to Zues as it was his decision. Zues then realised everyone was looking at him.

"Um I guess as long as you stay safe." Responded as everyone was looking at him to say yes. Ana ran up to him, as much as she could, and grew to her godly size, even though she is still smalwr than everybody and hugged him.

"Oh zank you zank you Granpa! Zank you!" Cheered Ana. Zeus chuckled. "How vill I get zere?" She asked.

"I will send you down at the foot of Half-Blood Hill after I inform Chiron." 6 minutes later,"You ready?" Said Queen Hera. Ana changed into her white tiger cub and her staff grew as a necklace. Her circlet was still on her head. She nodded her little head. In a case of golden light she disappeared.

The Lost Prinkpissa of Greece/The Lost Filia of Rome.         Daughter of AresWhere stories live. Discover now