Chapter 2

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At Olympus

"APOLLO! HERMES!" Ares screamed out in panic. All of Olympus had hears him but only the 12 Olympians had come. Dionysus and Hestia were already there so Apollo and Hermes were the first ones there. They first saw Ares' tear stained face and then the bundle in his arms.

"Who is it?" Hermes
"Oh my gods it's Anastasia!" Hermes.             and Apollo
"What happened to her?" Apollo

"She just appeared during camp dinner in a bright light", Dionysus explained. When Hermes tried to take Anastasia away from Ares, he held her closer to him. "Ares, I'm not going to hurt her, she needs medical attention. Okay?" Hermes. Ares nodded. Hermes took Anastasia carefully and with Apollo, they rushed to the infirmary.

Right then and there, Ares broke down in tears just as they other olympians appeared after seeing Apollo and Hermes going too fast for them to understand what was going on. And seeing Ares in tears was somthing he has never done since they learned of Anastasia 's dissappearence.

At Camp Halfblood

"Chiron who was she," demanded Annabeth.

"And why did my father seem so shaken up?" Added Clarrise. All the other Ares kids nodded in agreement.

"Well I think it's best you all sit down." Chiron said gravely.

The Lost Prinkpissa of Greece/The Lost Filia of Rome.         Daughter of AresWhere stories live. Discover now