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Ki and I ended up inviting Kat over to hang out since she was bored and lonely from Sam being gone. We ordered some pizzas and spent some time planning a party for Colby's birthday.

"So I was thinking I was going to take him to dinner and we could come back to a full blown party." I said and tapped my pen on the table. "Oh so we're having a rager?" Ki asked as I chuckled. "Yeah, he loves those big parties." I said as Kat nodded.

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Kat asked as she took a bite of pizza. "I think so..." I said and let out a sigh. "I think he learned his lesson." Ki said as I nodded.

"It's not that I don't trust him, it's the fact that I don't trust anyone else." I said and put my pen down so I could scrub my face with my hands.

"It's like I don't want to be attached to his hip but people are so shady." I said with a sigh. "It's because both of you are hot. Everyone wants to be with you guys." Ki said as I laughed. "Flattering." I said as the doorbell rang causing Stella to bark.

"Thank god, I'm starving." I said then stood up and made my way to the front door. I quickly grabbed the pizza then walked back into the kitchen to see Kat and Ki whispering about something.

"Secrets secrets are no fun unless you tell everyone." I sang and put the pizza on the table. "Ooooo pizza!" Ki said and reached for the box as I squinted at her.

"I'm just gonna pretend you guys aren't hiding anything from me." I said as they both laughed. "We aren't hiding anything. We were just talking about our Christmas plans." Kat said as I nodded.

"Oh, what are you guys up to?" I asked and opened the box of pizza. "Sam and I are going to Kansas." Kat said as I nodded. "That's cute. What about you?" I asked and grabbed a slice of pizza as I nudged Ki's shoulder with mine.

"I'm taking my baby to West Virginia to see my family." She explained as they grabbed their pizza. "Aw, do you miss them?" I asked and took a bite of food.

"Yeah, I'm really excited to see them...what about you? What are you up to?" Ki asked as I shrugged. "I don't know...Colby will probably go to his parent's house. I don't really have the Christmas spirit in me this year." I said with a sigh.

"You wouldn't go with him?" Kat asked as I shrugged. "I don't know, he hasn't mentioned anything." I said as my phone buzzed.

"Maybe he isn't going then." Kat said with a sigh as I reached for my phone. I smiled at the picture that Colby sent me of him smiling widely in front of what looked like a restaurant.

I zoned out as I replied to him, telling him that he was cute and that I missed him.

"Earth to Vi..." Ki said causing me to laugh. "Sorry. Look how cute Colby is." I said with a cheesy grin and showed them the picture he just sent me. "You guys are gross but I love it." Ki said and scrunched her nose at me.

"Yeah, anyways..what were you saying to me?" I asked and put my phone down again. "Oh! Can we go in the hot tub?" Ki asked as I nodded. "That sounds fun. Did you guys want to stay the night?" I asked and stood up so I could clean up our mess.

"Funny that you even thought we were going to leave you alone this weekend." Ki said as Kat nodded in agreement. "Right, how could I forget." I said as they stood up.

We cleaned up the kitchen then got ready to get in the hot tub. I was excited that Ki and Kat were going to stay with me since it had been a really long time since I got to have a girls night.

I obviously loved Colby and missed having him around but it felt good to have a little bit of space from him.

"V! What flavor do you want?!" Kat called out from the kitchen as I grabbed us some towels. "Black cherry!" I yelled as Ki screamed, causing Stella to bark.

"Sorry babe...black cherry is GROSS!" Ki said causing me to chuckle and shake my head. "I like it, which is good because you won't drink it all." I teased as I walked into the kitchen and threw a towel at Ki.

"That's right. More grapefruit for me." She said and stuck her tongue out at me as we made our way to the hot tub.

We sat in there and hung out for a while. We were a couple white claws in which meant we were pretty tipsy.

We watched the sunset from the hot tub then watched the stars. I felt really content as we talked about our bucket lists.

"I want to tour the world, performing my own music." Ki said dreamily. "That's a good one." I said with a smile. "I want to get married to a hot ass model who treats me like a princess on the streets but a freak in the sheets." Ki said causing Kat and I to both laugh.

"What about you, V?" Kat asked and pointed at me. "I don't know...I want to travel the world. I want to see the northern lights though, that's like my number one goal. I want to just examine them, ya know?" I said with a fond smile.

Kat and Ki looked at eachother for a second causing me to laugh. "I know, I'm a dork." I said then took a sip of my drink. "You're a little bit of a dork. We love you for it though." Ki said as Kat nodded in agreement.

We ended up hanging out for a while before we went to bed. I was really grateful they were here for me because I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep if there was nobody in the house with me.

As I crawled into bed my phone started ringing. I felt my heart warm up as I answered.

"Hi, baby." I said and settled into the bed. "Hey, what are you up to?" Colby asked. "I was about to go to sleep." I said as he sighed. "Did Ki stay with you?" He asked. "Yeah, she and Kat are here which I'm grateful for." I said and looked up at my mountain painting.

"I'm glad they stayed, I'm worried about you." He said quietly. "Aw, babe." I said and frowned. "You don't have to worry, I'm alright." I said and picked at my blanket.

"I know, you're a tough girl." He said as I smiled. "Yeah, yeah. I had to ask you something though." I said quietly. "What's up?" He asked as I grabbed the teddy bear that Colby got me when I was recovering from getting shot.

"What are you doing for Christmas? It's next week and I just wanted to know if you were visiting your parents..I don't have to be involved I can just stay home, it's no-" I started but was interrupted by him laughing.

"You're adorable." He said as I huffed out a breath. "I just want to know the plan." I said and frowned. "Uhhh well...I'm not sure what I'm doing." He said as I nodded. "Oh...okay. Maybe we can just chill and have the day to ourselves if you don't end up going." I said quietly.

"That sounds good. Listen, I have to go now since I have a long day but I love you and hope you sleep well." Colby said as I nodded. "I love you too, please be safe tomorrow." I said and leaned over to grab my charger.

"I'll send you pictures of our progress. Sleep well, beautiful." He said then hung up.

I sighed then plugged my phone in. I didn't know if I was just overthinking things but Colby seemed off. I'm sure it was because he was just busy but it made me a little nervous.

I didn't want him to think he needed to be with me for Christmas instead of with his family. I never wanted to be the thing holding him back from his family, just because I didn't have any family of my own.

I tried to shake the negative thoughts so that I could go to sleep but I couldn't get comfortable. I knew I sounded clingy but I always slept better when I was beside Colby.

It made me wonder how I survived living without him for nine months.

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