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A couple days have passed since Colby came home from the hospital. Colby's parents left late last night since they had to get home to get their house ready to be put on the market.

Sam, Jake, Corey, and I have been taking turns keeping Colby entertained since he still wasn't allowed to leave his bed other than to go to the bathroom and shower.

Colby's been having a bit of a hard time being on bed rest. I understood where he was coming from but I absolutely wasn't going to allow him to get up no matter what.

"Alright, I'm ready." I said then rubbed my hands together and clapped once. "You just want to watch me shower." Colby said as I wrapped his back brace around him. "Mhmm. More like I just don't want to lay next to your stinky ass all day." I said as he put the brace on then took my hands.

"Hmmm...well you're pretty stinky too, you should probably shower with me." He said then groaned from the pain of standing up. "I'm not risking that." I said with a laugh and took a step back so he could slowly inch forwards.

Usually when he was up he could walk with ease but I could tell his back was really bothering him today. "You've got this, babe." I said and held onto his arm as we slowly made our way to the shower.

When we got to the shower I helped him get undressed then carefully sat him down in the chair we had in there. He usually could bathe himself pretty easily but I decided to help him out a little more today since he was in lots of pain.

I pulled the shower head down then wet his hair, combing my fingers through it a little bit before grabbing the shampoo and massaging his head with it.

"You're really good at this." Colby said causing me to laugh. "I've been washing my own hair for a while now." I said then grabbed the shower head and rinsed his hair out, combing my fingers gently through it.

"How's your back feeling?" I asked as I conditioned his hair. "Hurts like a bitch." He said as I nodded. "We can probably give you another pain pill when we're done." I said then rinsed his hair out as he did his body wash.

I grabbed a towel and towel dried his hair before helping him stand up. "You weren't kidding when you said you were going to be my own personal nurse." Colby said as I handed him the towel so he could wrap it around his waist while I went to go get some fresh clothes for him.

"Mhmm and I care about my patient more than anything in the world." I said then came back into the room. "I think patient and nurse relationships are frowned upon." Colby said causing me to laugh. "Shut the fuck up." I said then slowly raised his arms so I could carefully put his shirt on.

"Fuuuck that hurts." Colby groaned as my heart broke. "I'm sorry, it's almost on." I said then pulled the shirt over his head. When I could see his face again I felt my heart crack at the pain plastered on it.

"I'm so sorry." I whispered then held his face with my hands. "It's not your fault." He mumbled as I shook my head. "I can still be sorry." I said then sighed and got him dressed so I could put the back brace on again.

By the time we got back to the bed Colby was shaking from the pain. "You okay?" I asked quietly as I brushed his wet hair from his face. "I'll be okay." He said as I sighed. "I know, tough guy." I said then stood up straight.

I went over to the cabinet and grabbed a pain pill for him before making it back to the bedroom. "Are you hungry?" I asked and handed him the pill and some water.

"Maybe a little." He said as I smiled. "I'll go make you something. Sit tight." I said then kissed him and went down to the kitchen.

"Thank god." Jake said as he closed the fridge and looked at me. "Yes?" I asked with a laugh. "I'm hungry and don't know how to cook." He said as I chuckled and rolled my eyes. "Well you should learn." I said then stuck my tongue out at him as I pulled out stuff to make grilled cheese.

"But..." Jake said and pouted his lip out. "Fiiiine. I'll make you one too." I said with a laugh as he hugged me. "Thanks, V." He said then sat down.

I quickly made grilled cheeses for Colby, Jake, and I then went back upstairs. When I walked into the bedroom Sam was sitting on the couch while looking at his computer as Colby looked at the tv above his fireplace.

"What are you guys up to?" I asked and handed Colby his food. "We're about to watch the final cut for the camping video. Did you want to watch it?" Sam asked as I crawled into bed next to Colby.

"Hell yeah! Oh I'm so excited." I said the smiled widely at Colby. "Thanks for the food." He said then took a bite of his sandwich. "You're welcome, babe." I said then rested my head on his shoulder as Sam pulled up the video.

As soon as we started watching the video I was sucked in. It was always going to be weird watching myself on camera but it was worth it for the adventures we got to go on.

The editing of the video was amazing, starting off with the audio of me facing off with the mountain lion. We all looked so happy in the video as we did all of the fun adventurous things we loved to do.

Justin did a pretty good job about keeping Colby and I's coupley moments off camera which I was grateful for. I knew people were still going to suspect things from the few clips of us together in there but it didn't matter.

We were happy.

"What do you think?" Sam asked and turned around to looked at us. "I think it's sick." Colby said with a grin as I grabbed his dirty plate and put it on the nightstand with mine.

"V?" Sam asked as I laughed. "It was great! I'm still so grateful for you guys letting me join." I said then snuggled into Colby again. "We love having you there. Too bad you weren't with us for the surfing video..maybe I wouldn't have broken my back." Colby said as I sighed.

"We both probably would have." I said as Sam laughed. "Justin sent me the video of it happening did you wanna see it?" He asked as I gasped. "No." I said as Colby said yes. "Colby! You want to watch yourself get hurt like that?" I asked as he shrugged.

"It's only fair, Sam had to see his." Colby said as I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, but Sam's dumb ass jumped off a roof, yours was a terrible accident! Don't you think that's gonna traumatize you?" I asked as he sighed.

"I think it will be fine, I lived through it." He said as I sighed and leaned away from him. "Are you mad at me?" He asked as I shook my head. "No, I just think you're being an idiot. You're an adult though, you can do what you want." I said with a shrug as Sam pulled up the video.

I didn't want to watch it but I also couldn't help myself as it started to play.

It started out with Colby surfing normally until he fell off. "Colby?!" Sam called out as Colby flailed in the water.

You could see him getting tossed around as the current carried him. "Colby!" Sam called out as the current pushed him towards the rocks that were off to the side.

I felt my eyes watering as his body crumbled against the sharp rocks and the camera shook. I sniffled and turned away as the audio played of sam and Justin running to get to Colby.

"V?" Colby asked as I got out of bed and grabbed the dirty dishes. I didn't say anything as I left the room. I knew that I was just being sensitive but the image of him crumbling against the rocks played in my mind on a loop.

I was so scared of losing him that it scared me again. The idea that he could be taken away as quickly as my parents were made me feel sick to my stomach.

I knew that accidents happened and that life was precious but seeing the love of your life in such rough shape was hard to handle.

I knew I shouldn't have watched the video.

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