The EALD Mission

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After school

Hangi POV:

I called everyone except Levi and Eren to my house. 

I just found out that Eren's mom and Levi's mom just left for vacation. And that Mikasa wasn't coming back until next week. So that means Eren was staying over at Levi's place for TWO whole weeks.

I practically bounced around the whole house. "OMG, my ship is sailing.~" I heard the doorbell ring. "They're here already. This is great we can start on it sooner!" I opened the door to reveal Eren's friend group. 

"Hey, hangi-san!" Sasha ran into the house while the other just walked. "So why were we called hangi. Is this about Eren and Levi, because it seems like they are the only ones not here?" Armin exclaimed.

"yes, this is definitely about them." they all had a smirk on their face. "You guys obviously know that they have been getting closer right-," " like couples obviously." Sasha, Connie, and jean said sarcastically while rolling their eyes. 

"Exactly! so I am planning on a little date for both of them." They responded with 'ooooh yes' and 'this is going to be interesting.' "So to do this I need you guys to help me out." Everyone agreed enthusiastically.

"So I need everyone to help. Sasha, Connie, and Jean will be looking for the perfect restaurant. Historia and Ymir will be making decorations to put around them and all that sort of thing. "you can count on us. Historia is the best at making the cutest decorations." She cooed at Historia, making her blush.

"Annie and Armin will try to find out Levi's and Eren's favorite dishes, while me and Erwin will be hacking the school so we can have time to prepare the date. 

They all nodded before Sasha asked a question. "But what happens if they overhear us. Eren's hearing is way better than ours since he always is starting fights." she was right we need to find a name that would fit so that both don't suspect anything.

Snapping my finger, I got an idea, "We can call it the EALD." I said sealing. Everyone was confused. "what does that stand for?" Historia commented. "glad you asked, It stands for Eren and Levi's date." I heard a lot of 'ohhh's and all that

"So now that we got all that covered we better get going." We all got into our groups and left for the day. 

"So, Erwin We will have to trespass the school. We will Need your smarts to turn off all the cameras so you will have to bring your laptop.

"let's hurry to my house. If not, I will soon change my mind." We ran to his house and brought his laptop, we also decided that we would take his Mercedes executive van. I was jealous that he had a car. I decided that I wanted to drive so he let me. 

We were zooming past houses, all of them a huge blur, I laughed. "Hangi slow down!" Erwin was clutching his seat. "Aww, come on Erwin have some fun. You're a Teenager, you have all this cool stuff but you still act like a 75-year-old." He gave me a playful glare, "rude."

I parked the van and went into the back. I found Erwin already hacking the security cameras. "Ok hangi I checked and I still see a few teachers inside. They can't see through the cameras but I will be able to."

He handed me an earpiece. "Where did you get all this spy stuff Erwin" my eyes glinting with amazement at all the cool stuff. "you think this is amazing," shaking his head, "Then you will be shocked with Levi." 

"Are you going in there or not." "yes, right" I went to the back of the school "I'm in position." I talked to the earpiece."I can see you through the cameras. Anyway, there is a little window above you to your left."

you flash before my eyes (ErenxLevi) [completed]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora