But Rae could see the underlying darkness in his eyes. He didn't really care about her outcome. She would tell him, and then he would leave her to die at Taehyung's hands.

Rae considered faking the location, just to piss them off. But she knew that she needed to last as long as possible. She may not make it out alive, but at least Alice could.

"Why do you even want her so bad?" Rae asked, more blood spilling from her mouth. Her gums were on fire, successfully distracting her from the searing pain in her leg. Namjoon stood up and crossed his arms, giving her a stern look.

"Where did she go?" Namjoon asked again. Rae shook her head. She knew exactly what he wanted from you, but at least she could catch a brief break from Taehyung. Before she could ask her question again, Taehyung cut her off.

"Actually, Namjoon, you never told me what you wanted from Hoseok's "love". I don't know any Ladies in the court with the name that he's been reciting." Rae shot a thank you to whichever higher being apparently had a shred of sympathy for her.

Namjoon hesitated, but Jin was more than eager to explain the situation. He strode over to the duo, a dreamy smile on his face. "Tae, soulmates are real." He began. Taehyung snorted at his eldest brother. Jin ignored him.

"Y/N is my soulmate! Namjoon agrees." He gave Namjoon a look, and he sheepishly nodded.

"It's true...I read book after book. The healer even said that soulmates are possible. It seems like this girl they've been talking about is their soulmate." Namjoon mumbled. Rae rolled her eyes at the floor, panting through her ongoing pain. Like hell were you the soulmate to these demons.

Hoseok joined the conversation, happily explaining to his younger brother the connection that he had felt upon his first meeting with you. Taehyung looked more and more irritated by the second.

"Hold on." He growled. "You're telling me, that when I'm done with this little rat," He spat at Rae, "I'll be sending my men out for some stupid maid, because you two think that you're in love with her?" Taehyung threw the bloody pliers to the ground, startling a very weak Rae.

"Jin, you haven't even had a full conversation with her! Even if you were soulmates, it would take more than a measly two-line interaction to feel anything for her!"

Namjoon cut in, trying to diffuse Taehyung's anger before he ended Rae right then and there. "The head healer said that soulmates can click on the first meeting. She said that if they were together in a past life, then when they finally meet again in the present, it just clicks for them."

Taehyung wasn't buying it. "I refuse to believe a stupid fairy tale. I bet that maid is a witch, and she's playing all three of you." He yelled. "Namjoon, why are you even involved in this?"

"I'm just trying to support my brothers!" Namjoon yelled back. "I did my research, I gave them potions, and nothing changed. This isn't a fairy tale, this is real life!" He gestured angrily to his two love struck brothers. "Whether or not you decide to believe in soulmates doesn't really matter, because the evidence is there. At least for your elder brothers."

Taehyung ran his hands through his hark hair, turning his glare to Rae. Without warning, he landed a harsh slap to her face. Rae gasped, nearly toppling herself and the chair over. Of course he decided to take his anger out on her.

"This is your fault." He spat at her. Hoseok moved between the two, an incredulous look on his face.

"Since when do things like this matter, Tae?" He asked. "You never minded hunting people down, it's like a sport to you."

Taehyung seemed to hesitate for a second before he finally spoke. "You're getting involved with a maid, Hobi. Don't you remember what happened when I fell in love with one? How she instantly betrayed me when that stupid fucking foreign Prince offered her a jewel bigger than the one that I had given her?"

The pain was evident in his voice, surprising Rae. She didn't think he was capable of feeling any emotions other than anger and a type of sadistic glee.

"I'm going to bring her back to you, and she's going to play along to save her own skin. And then, if she's pretty enough, someone will come along and make her an offer that's better than you. She's going to leave you and you'll be heartbroken and lost. And you know, that's even if you're able to take her hand in marriage due to mother and father." Taehyung plopped down in the chair across from Rae, and for the first time ever, she saw a lone tear drip down his cheek.

The three elder brothers moved forward, completely disregarding Rae who was still bleeding out.

"Tae...Nabi was also evil. You know what she did to all of the other maids." Jin said softly, kneeling down in front of his hunched over brother. "Y/N...she's different. You can just tell. Trust me, you'll understand when you see her."

Rae rolled her eyes. She didn't mean any offense to you, of course. But she couldn't understand how you had managed to woo the man-whore of the castle. Listening to Hoseok and Jin, it became evident just how obsessed they truly were with you, and despite the intense pain that Rae was in, she couldn't regret not tattling on you.

Taehyung sighed. "I will hunt her down for you then...but I personally want to drag her to the head healer to see if she really is a witch. I think that Namjoon has been placed under a spell too if he thinks that this is real."

Rae's heart dropped as the four brothers came to an agreement. She knew that Taehyung was about to get back into his groove, which meant more pain for her.

She hung her head in defeat as the tall prince stood back up and began to rearrange tools on his cart. She hoped that you were doing better than she was.

A SEALED FATE: Emeralds and Blood (BTS)Where stories live. Discover now