Rae shook her head and pulled your hands into her own. "No, you wouldn't starve or freeze." She said urgently. "Alice has connections. Her brother also works here as a lower status butler. He can get you out and take you to their family's cottage in Esteria."

"Why would strangers put their lives at risk for me?" You asked, growing frustrated. "The guards would find me sooner than later, and like I said, it's winter. Food is scarce, I highly doubt any villagers will be too keen to have a new guest at this time of year."

Alice tightened her grip on your hands. "Esteria is only a three day journey from here. It's a coastal village, so of course it smells of the sea. People at the castle don't enjoy the smell very much, including the guards, so they'll steer clear no doubt. Besides....they'll probably think you went to a village that was closer. Like you said, in this weather it would be foolish to go on a journey for more than a day without the proper provisions."

Before you could shoot out another doubtful statement, Rae continued to explain. "Also, because Esteria is along the coast, that means there's always a steady supply of fish. The village hasn't gone hungry in decades. They're a well off village, and Alice's family is quite kind. You'll be safe there."

"Yes, but what if Hoseok and his guards do find me?" You asked, pulling your hands out of Rae's grip. "If he truly feels the way that he says, then he will do everything in his power to hunt me down. He will search every village, even the ones that don't smell good. That puts everyone in that village in danger."

Rae huffed. "I promise you, it is the safest option for you." She said. "If you stay here, then who knows what messes Hoseok will drag you into. You have to leave."

You ran your hand down your face in exasperation. You were quiet for a moment as you thought out your words. Finally, you looked back up to Rae. "Fine." You mumbled.

Sadness filled your bones as Rae sighed in relief. You were putting her and Alice in immense danger, and you were leaving them behind. It made your heart hurt, and you wanted to cry again.

You bit your inner lip though and held back your tears as Rae pulled you in for a tight hug. "I'll speak with Alice tonight. Just lay low in the meantime." She murmured.

You nodded, burying your face in her neck. There was no point in arguing anymore. You just wanted this nightmare to end already.

"I'll write to you as soon as possible." Alice repeated for the hundredth time. You nodded, grasping her small hands. They were cold and clammy, no doubt from nerves.

You looked into her watery eyes, your own still wet. "Please." You said, squeezing her fingers. "If you have to sell me out to avoid punishment, please don't be afraid to. I'll take full accountability."

She nodded, although uncertainty was still clear on her face.

Rae moved to stand next to Alice, a small smile on her lips as she placed a warm hand on your shoulder. "Please be careful." She murmured, her eyes full of concern.

"I'll try my best." You promised, releasing Alice's hands. "The same goes for you both. Lay low for a while, alright?"

The large man who was standing nearby cleared his throat loudly before Rae or Alice could respond again. "I don't mean to cut this farewell short, however the guards will be passing by the entrance to the tunnels soon." He said, gesturing to the large stone door.

"If you don't want to be caught, then I suggest that you two head back to your chambers now." He said, looking at your friends with a sympathetic expression. He then turned to you. "And you and I should get going."

A SEALED FATE: Emeralds and Blood (BTS)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें