Chapter 9

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The next day, Dally and Lila woke up to the noise of a bird. "I gotta go, baby." He said

"Don't leave yet." She pleaded, hugging him

"I have to. I'll see you soon. I love you."

"I love you too." She said

He packed some stuff in a small bag, then he left for Windrexville in Buck's car. Lila went home. When she entered, her mom came up to her. "Where have you been? I've been worried about you." She said

"Talking with a friend." She lied

"Are you feeling any better about Randy?" She asked

"A bit."

"Well, I have good news!"

"What is it?"

"You and Bob Sheldon are going to be legally married on Thursday! Your wedding will be later."


"I know! Isn't it great?"

"Hello, girls." Lila's dad walked in

"Honey, I just told her the news."

"Well, Lila, what do you think?" He asked

Lila was in shock. "No. I'm not marrying him! I'd rather marry a greaser that I hate, than Bob who I despise!"

"Lila! That's no way to talk to us! Apologize this instant!" Her dad yelled, "You're getting married. Someone loves you. You should be great full!"

"No." Lila stood firm

Her dad slapped her. "Listen, if you don't do this, I will have nothing to do with you ever again! Understand?"

Katrina came in. "Your mother and I have business to attend to." Said her dad. They left

"Maybe marrying Bob wouldn't be so bad." Said Katrina

"Are you kidding me, Kat?" Lila yelled

Lila went to the church to talk to John. "I swear! I'd rather chain myself to a bear, jump off a building, or burry myself alive!" She ranted

"Lila, I have a plan. You can get to Dally again. Take this little bottle. In it, there is a mixture of some kind of plant. It's like turmeric. It'll put you in a very deep sleep. You will look dead. Everyone will think you are. Your family has a large tomb-like thing that is basically a building, they'll put you in there. I'll get a letter sent to Dally, and in 42 hours, you'll wake up. Take it tomorrow night." Said John

"What if it doesn't work?"

"It does. It's never failed."

"I'll do it." Lila took the bottle from him and went home

When she returned, she said to her dad, "I'll do it. I'll marry Bob Sheldon."



"Then in that case, I'll take you two to the church tomorrow."

"Wait, what?"

"Yeah! Might as well do it now!"

"Oh." This wasn't supposed to happen, "Great. I'll just go to sleep. It's late." She said

"Good night."

Lila went to her room. She opened the bottle and drank it all. She sat down, then she passed out immediately. There was no sign of life in her.

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