Chapter 1

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Two gangs both alike in dignity
In downtown Tulsa where we lay our scene
From rich and poor broke a rivalry
Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean
And as a result of these two gangs
Their most well-known members take their life
And with their death bury their status's strife
Which but their ends could not remove

Ponyboy, Steve, Two-bit, and Johnny were wondering aimlessly around town one day. The group was just minding their own business, then they saw some socs. Two boys named Dylan and Tucker. "Dude, look." Said Tucker

"Greasers." Said Dylan, "Including that weak one that we jumped with Bob. Should we start something up?"

"I think that's a good idea."

"Do you think they have knives?"

"So what? I have one." Said Tucker

"Then let's go."

The two socs walked up to the greasers and flipped them off. Tucker bumped into Steve and said, "Excuse me, white trash with long hair, you're in my way."

"Who are you calling white trash with long hair?" Steve retaliated

"You!" Said Dylan, "And listen, bud, we got people all over the perimeter of five miles!"

Two-bit flicked out his switchblade. "I feel sorry for the five mile perimeter!"

"Are you looking for a fight?" Dylan asked

"I am looking for a fight!" Two shouted

"Two-bit, cut it out, man!" Johnny whisper yelled

"Hey, here comes Randy!" Dylan said

Randy Anderson was frequently hot headed like his friend Bob. "What's going on here?" He asked. Then he saw Johnny, "Oh, the small one we jumped. You know you're looking at death, boy?"

"I just wanted to break up the fight, man." Johnny said

"Your friend has a knife out and you talk of peace. I hate that word. As much as I hate dirt, all greasers, and you! Fight me like a man, you chicken!"

"Here comes a cop!" Someone shouted

The boys stopped fighting and put the switchblades away. "Boys!" The cop yelled, "What have we told you about fighting in public?"

"Not to do it." Said Steve

"And why is that?" The officer asked

"If someone gets killed, the murderer will be arrested." Said Ponyboy

"Exactly. Now I want everyone to go home."

The boys did as they were told. Reluctantly.

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