Chapter 8

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Randy's parents went up with Johnny to the police station. "He needs to be arrested! You have to!" Mrs. Anderson pleaded

"Who started it?" Asked the officer

"Randy did start it." Said Johnny

"Little biased greaser." Said Mr. Anderson

"Tell me what happened, kid."

"Randy wanted to fight Dally. Me and Two-bit Matthews were walking, and he approached us- Randy. Dally eventually showed up and a fight broke out. The fight costed the life of Two-bit. Dally wanted to get revenge, but not to kill him." He explained

"The classic eye for an eye. If Winston can get away before we catch him, we won't arrest him. Trust me, we have several times before, but not because we like his company or anything. If we ever catch him here, we will take him in."

Dally was a basket case back at the church. "I can't believe I did that. Do you know the jail time for murder, John? Do you? If it ain't years, it's death!"

"Dallas, listen to me when I say this. Lila is really sad now. You have twenty four hours to leave. Go find her, spend the night with her, try to cheer her up, then go to Windrixville." Said John

"Do you think she'll even look at me?"

"Dally, she loves you. She still does."

"Do you not care that your son died?"

John didn't respond. Dally went to find his wife. Lila was inconsolable at home. "He's such a beautiful tyrant!" She ranted to Katrina, "A dove-feathered raven, an angelical fiend, an honorable villain!"

"Lila, please try to calm down." Said Katrina

"Lila! We're home!" Her mother yelled, "Guess who's with us! Bob Sheldon."

"I don't want to see anyone right now, momma." Lila said

Mrs. Stearson looked at Bob and said, "Well, you heard her. I know he was your best friend, but he was her cousin. I think it would be best for you to go and come back later."

"And, Bob." Said Mr. Stearson, "I think I'll let you marry her this week."

"Really?" He asked


"Thank you, sir." He said

"Lila." Her mom went into her room


"We're going to have to stay out late- me and your dad- we both have overtime. We'll be back in the morning."


"Katrina will be here." She said as she left

Lila heard a knock on her window. It was Dally! She let him in. "Hi." She said

"Hey. Are your parents home?"

"No. Just left."

"Come with me. I'm gonna take you somewhere."

The couple went to Buck's place. Dally had a surprise for her planned. It was closed, so no one else was there but Buck. They walked in. "There's the couple. Y'all are on your own here." Buck said

"Come on." Dally said to Lila

They went upstairs. "I figured if we're gonna spend the night together, we should make sure that we 100% don't get caught. Let's sit down." He said

One thing led to another.

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