"She didn't go to the fair though." I gritted out.

"Because she had her own event. She wanted you guys to go. Was her first event she held. Cried her eyes out when she found out about the fair. She wanted you guys to be there for her. You know what she did? She put herself in your shoes and chose Angel. She knew how much Angel wanted a scholarship. She tried. Every single day but I guess she snapped."

"She didn't invite us though!"

"Because she wanted you guys to go to Angel's damn fair. Maeve didn't want to be selfish. Like you are." Someone gasped behind them. We all looked and saw all the siblings. "Looky, the rest of the siblings. We were just-"

"Maeve left?" Angel asked, with tears building up in her eyes. The two guys looked at each other then at her.

"Yeah. She did."

"Why didn't she invite us to her event?" She asks, softly.

"Because she didn't want you guys to pick her over you. If Maeve held another gala, she would've invited you guys. Probably. Probably not." Everybody tensed up.

"B-But she said she went out of town."

"She lied. So what? Damien lies all the time. Saying 'she's busy with work' or 'oh, she's not coming' even if he didn't even tell her the plans you're doing. It's fine. She stopped caring. What did she say?"

"Boys, stop." Lucian says, coming into the room. They look at him.


"Now." He grits out. They both nod and shut up. We look at him.


"Don't." He glared at me. I lowered my eyes. He looked at Angel. He smiled.

"Is-Is she really gone?" He nods.

"Yeah. She is." He dug through his pocket and took something out. He handed it to her. "She wanted you to have this. Spend however you want."

"A credit card? How much is on it?" He shrugs.

"Don't know. Let's see, she split it into four people. You, fucking Damien, then two other people. Probably a couple mill on it. I know the other two have more money considering they are more important to her. Not saying you aren't. I'm just saying they have more money." She furrowed her eyebrows.

"But who are they?"

"People that don't concern you. If she wants you guys to know who they are, she'll tell you. It's not my business to share." She nods.

"Will she come back?"

"For you? Maybe. For the rest of you, fuck no. She's long gone. Left last night." I tensed up and so did the other people. Angel looked at us confused. "Oh right, she left right after you guys stopped talking shit about her. Gotta admit Damien, I'm surprised she didn't fall back into her habits. I mean, with her seeing her boyfriend dying in front of her and now this, gotta admit, I'm surprised."

"She told me about him." Julian says, softly. Lucian tensed up and looked at him.

"She told you about the broken ribs she suffered?" He shakes his head. "Did she tell you that these people didn't visit her in the hospital? That fucked her up the most." I averted my eyes.

"I-I didn't know she was in the hospital." Angel said, her voice cracking. This made him laugh.

"Oh this keeps getting better and better. That's because Damien didn't say anything. It's fine. He thought she was faking it once again, right?" He asks, looking at me. I didn't meet his eye contact. "Right. She doesn't fake things. I mean, she fakes a smile or a laugh but that's mostly it."

"Why didn't she tell us?" He looked at them.

"Once you suffer a lot of abuse, you start hiding things. Just know, you kids are lucky. You guys didn't get broken bones or anything like that."

"We got beat." I grit out, looking at him. He looked at me.

"You had your head kicked in too? Or broken bones?" I shake my head. "Didn't think so. Your sister took more of the hits because she wanted a good childhood for you guys. I gotta admit, you guys got it. Had a loving home with food. Yeah, sometimes you got beat but that's sometimes."

It became quiet between us. Angel had tears streaming down her face.

"Let's go." Lucian grumbled out. He looked at me and handed me a credit card. "Like I said, use it. You'll hurt her feelings more by not. See you around, Angel. Good luck in school." With that, they left.

I know you guys wanted his chapter so I shall receive. How was it? It may be a little confusing but this was right after she left. Like the next day.

Anyway, have a good day!

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