Just Pretending

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"Are you okay?" Josh asked as he watched my face.

I nodded my head a little, trying to release the breath I was holding. My eyes followed Nick until he left the coffee shop.

"Do you know him?" Josh had turned and was watching Nick leave hand in hand with a girl in a green summer dress.

I nodded my head again as I took a sip of my iced coffee. Although my throat was suddenly dry, the drink was more to buy me some time. Setting my cup on the table, I knew it was time to do some talking.

"That's Nick. From last summer."

Thankfully that was enough for Josh to catch somewhat up to speed.

Last summer was the best and worst summer of my life. After moving to a brand new town in time for school to end before I could make a single friend, I was shocked to find out the neighbors at my family's new duplex not only had a kid my age living there, but that kid was the most attractive guy I had ever met! Nick was a foot taller than me and built like the baseball player he was. His skin was tan from being outside all baseball season, his blond hair bleached from the sun. The best, however, was his dark blue eyes. They were almost navy, reminding me of cooling summer water I wanted to dive into so much after feeling my pulse race after the first time I met him.

Nick was staying at his dad's place for the summer while his mom was off enjoying the Caribbean with her new husband. He was just as new to town as I was, with just as many friends. This was all it took for us to start spending every second together. As an only child with parents trying to settle in a new town, I was desperate for time outside the house, and if it was with someone as amazing as Nick, all the better.

We spent every day of summer together. We went to the lake, wandered around the mall, and even made a few friends that would invite us to fun camp fires or pool parties. By the end of the summer, I was certain Nick was going to ask me to be his girlfriend, even if he was headed back to his mom's place over a 5-hour drive away. I could not have been more wrong.

Nick was sad when he left, so I assumed it was because he shared the feelings I sent his way each day. But, just a month after leaving I watched with tears as his relationship status online changed to "in a relationship". I had a few friends at school at the time, but none of them really got to know Nick, so I was left to mend my broken heart alone, not sure if I would ever even see him again.

"So, when did he get back in town?" Josh leaned in closer, knowing it was not easy for me to talk about.

"I ran into him this morning," I sighed. "He is at his dad's again this summer, but brought his girlfriend along for company."

I was trying my hardest to push down the tears that threatened to spring up and spill over. Josh had seen me cry many times over Nick; most of the kids at my new school had. But I was proud of the fact that the last time had been over four months ago, when Nick didn't even message me on my 16th birthday. Since then Josh and my close friends did their best to keep my mind off of him. It was working great until he walked into my life toting the girl that was apparently better than me.

"That sucks, Cam," Josh reached across the table and took my hand. Since my birthday, he was my biggest supporter, something I needed more than ever this summer. My two best friends Riley and Jen were off at summer camp until school started back up. Trying not to dwell on that fact, I gave his hand a squeeze.

"It's okay-" My voice caught before I could continue.

"Hey, you want to go see a movie?" Josh smiled. "It's new release day!"

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