Hanging Out

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It was later on in the day and i was laying on the couch watch random youtube videos when i heard my phone go off, i reach over to see the text and it's from Charlie : Meet me and Owen and the beach road in 30 ;).

I jumped up closing my laptop putting it aside with my phone i didn't even respond to Charlie. I screamed inside my head i ran to the bathroom because even though i showered, dried my hair all that i didn't think i was gonna go anywhere today so i had to do my makeup. I just went simple and put on concealer and mascara to brighten my face and eyes i didn't want to go crazy.

Then i went into my bedroom and changed out of my sweats, i put on some shorts and a hoodie it was kinda warm but was gonna get cold as it got later. I brushed through my hair and put on some perfume, i went back to the living room and checked it was 5:45 i had 15 minutes i decided i should answer Charlie.

: Heading out now :) 

I grabbed my bag and headed out of my apartment i decided to just walk there i could probably make it in 15 minutes.

As i approached the walkway near the beach i saw the two guys sitting on some rocks i went straight over to them moving the hair out of face as i got close.

"Hey! look who made it" Owen says being excited and standing up to give me a hug, i hug him back gently smiling. Charlie pushes Owen to hug me i giggle and hug him. "damn man don't gotta be so jealous" Owen says laughing. "who says i'm jealous" Charlie gives Owen a look then looks down at me "now i'm glad you could make it we were just gonna grab some food maybe watch the sunset and head back to our place if you wanna join". "i would love to that sounds amazing!"

"Perfect pizza good enough for y'all" Charlie looks at us giving a shrug, Owen and i nod. Charlie wraps one are around my shoulders and his other around Owens, leading us to the small pizza shop just a few feet down the path.

He moves his arms away and we go inside "you two get a table i'll get the important thing" he says "wow your gonna pay for food tonight" Owen says raising his brows. Charlie just shakes his head and slaps Owen arm playfully pushing him to a table. Me and Owen go and sit across from each other at a empty table.

I look up at Owen "thanks for inviting me out with you guys, well i know Charlie texted me but still". Owen says quietly "it was all his idea, he literally hasn't stopped talking about you since last nigh-... wait no since he met you". I giggle and start to blush slightly i pull my sleeve over my hand and put my hand over my cheek not knowing what to say. "i have a feeling imma be like third wheeling tonight" Owen says leaning back in his seat. "no no it's us three friends hangout out, i wouldn't want anyone to feel that way" i say looking into his eyes.

Charlie comes over with a cheese pizza and placed it down on the table and sits in the empty seat next to me. "thank you" i say as i feel him place a hand on my leg. "no problem, i hope this is okay" he says i start to reply when Owen blurts out "no toppings that's odd for you or did you just not want to scare her yet, let me tell you y/n this kid eats the weirdest things one day he ha-" Charlie cuts him off "okay that doesn't matter let's just eat" i laugh at the two.

I grab a plate and one slice and start to eat, the boys do the same and we have small talk just getting to know each other more and more.

After a little we finish they boys finished off the last couple slices and we leave headed onto the beach to watch the sunset. I sit down and Charlie sits to my left and Owen to my right.

"wow this is so beautiful, i've always loved sunsets this might have to be my new spot" i say my eyes not leaving this sky. "it's beautiful and so peaceful at this time but sadly we usually miss this because we are still on set" Owen says softly.
I can feel Charlie's eyes move to me "at least we get to see it tonight and that i get to see you" i turn my head towards him and smile, i remember what i said to Owen at the table so i look by at the sky.

It was such a beautiful night so we stayed for a little after the sunset then eventually decided to leave and walk back to the boy's apartment.

We settled in the living room and were talking about what we should do "let's invite mads and jer over and we can play some games" Owen suggests. "sounds fun" i say, "good idea dude i'll invite them now" Charlie says already texting them.

Owen gets up and picks up their apartment a bit finally doing his dishes and picking up trash. Shortly after there's a knock at the door "got it" Owen goes and opens the door letting them in.

Madi hugs Owen and Charlie "y/n is here you didn't say that!" she sits next to me and gives me a small hug "i call this seat", "yours now" i say while a smile. "um Madi what if i was sitting there" Charlie says his is hands on his hips, "to bad Charles go sit with you boyfriend Owen or boyfriends Jer too"  Madi laughs and i join laughing with, Charlie rolls his eyes playfully and sits with the two boys.

Jemery says awkwardly "uh now why did you invite us over?". Owen claps his hands together "well us three just went and grabbed food and didn't know what to do next sooo i figured we could all just hang out" he shrugs.

"ooo fun let's play truth or dare then watch high school musical!" Madi yells out. "You really are a kid huh" Charlie laughs, "well i act more mature than you sir" Madi responses and sticks her tongue out, i giggle at the two acting like siblings.

"okay y/n truth or dare" Madi turns to me and asks, "um let's start with a truth".

"Who here would you like to get closer with" she asks. "i would of to probably say.." i glance over at Charlie then back at Madi "you, you seem so sweet i think we could be great friends". Madi smiles "me too now you ask someone"

I nod and look at everyone "Owen truth or dare", he looks up "truth". "Oh y'all are lame" Charlie jokes "shut up" Owen hits him "if you could go back and pick someone else to live with again or live by yourself instead of with Charlie what would you choose to do?" i ask.

Charlie folds his arms and looks at Owen "i would probably be on my own this kid is so messy" Charlie gasps acting hurt and i laugh along with Madi and Jer. "okay but actually i would stick with Charlie otherwise i wouldn't wake up for set and he really helps me get through this he helps with so much and doesn't even know it" Charlie fake wipes a tear and then bro hugs him "aw" i say quietly.

Owen sits back and looks at Charlie "okay buddy truth or dare" Charlie responds with "truth". "Loserrr" Jermey jokes. "do you like anyone right now and if so who?" Owen asks, i hear Madi go "oooo". Charlie starts to answer "dude that's two questions you can't do that so i'll answer the first one, yes". Madi continues, "STOP" Charlie yells out we all laugh and i look down wondering if he likes someone else because we don't even know each-other that well.

After a few more rounds and making all the boys do dares we decide to start watching the movie me and Madi share a blanket and we lay on the couch. We were definitely into it more than the boys but oh well they agreed.

Madi had to leave it got really late and we didn't even notice, her dad wanted her back to get rest before having to be on set the next day. Jeremy eventually leaves too to talk to the wife before going to bed.

So it's back just me Charlie and Owen although i think Owen was sleeping. I move a little to get more comfortable and i yawn, i hear Charlie whisper to me "you can stay the night if you want", i look over at him i feel so tired "that's okay i should probably head out too let you guys rest" i sit up.

He gets up from the couch he was with Owen and he sits next to me "thanks for coming out with us tonight and staying here for a bit". "I had a lot of fun being with everyone so thank you" i smile then yawn. He chuckles quietly "you should probably make your way home before sleep takes over you completely, even though i don't want to you go" he stands up and puts his hand out, i remove the blanket and get up taking his hand.

He leads us over to the door and pulls me so i'm facing him and he hugs me, i wrap my arms around him immediately and lay my head on his chest feeling him breathe softly. "we should do this again soon but just us two" he whispers to me trying not to wake Owen. I look up at him and nod "please". He places a soft kiss on my forehead and i remove my arms from around him "goodnight y/n" i smile and blush slightly "goodnight Charlie".

He opens the door and i head out making my way back to my apartment wishing i didn't have to walk but at least it was near by.

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