Chapter 19: Chaos Begins

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A/N: Errrrm. I forgot to post an update again yesterday didn't I? Oopsy xD
In any case, here it is. I don't actually have much to say today apart from, hope you enjoy the new chapter!

Another cold, snowy afternoon had almost everyone indoors. Most people were snuggled by their fireplace sipping hot cocoa or hot tea, talking amongst themselves while others were sat watching the TV in the living room. From cartoons for the children and action movies for the teenagers or horrors for the adults.

A small group of misfits weren't watching movies or cartoons or sitting by the fireplace all snuggled up.

They were half concentrating on the books they'd retrieved from the hidden rooms below the Manor and half listening to the news. Most of it was boring everyday stuff. That is until the newsreader cut off mid-sentence and announced breaking news.

Red, blue and amber eyes shot up to the almost see through screen as the newsreader spoke.

"Breaking news- we have just received reports at the studio that several members of the public have been murdered in a shopping centre in Central Atlas. It is thought to be a terrorist attack from none other than the White Fang. A correspondent of ours is at the scene now. Gethen, what else can you tell us of the situation?"

The screen cut to a man with bags under his eyes, looking overly nervous even with a group of droids around him.

" Hello Kathy. As you said there have been several murders and it is thought to be a terrorist attack by the White Fang. Police and Huntsmen are unsure of this but ,and I quote, 'they wouldn't put it past them to do something like this.' The good news I can tell you from this situation is that a few of the members have been taken into custody. The police are, however, still looking for the last member."

The screen cut back to the newsreader in the studio. "That is good news but there is something unsettling about these members, correct?"

"Yes, there is. Apparently the members were not wearing masks at the time of the attack. All have been reported to be wearing some sort of makeup and wearing red contact lenses and apparently, none of them were showing any faunus traits. These reports were given by witnesses but on further inspection of the suspects faces and eyes, the makeup is in fact real red veins and very real red eyes. Huntsmen are stumped by this revelation but are working with the police to figure it out." Gethen reported as the screen cut back to him.

A short distance away, police officers held onto a man, struggling to keep a hold of him as he fought against their grip with inhuman strength.

Gethen turned to watch and the camera zoomed all the way in.

"It seems the police have located and arrested the last member but look to be struggling with him."

Just as the correspondent reported that in, the man in the cuffs slipped from the police officer's grip and started running straight towards the camera crew and the news correspondent.

They all panicked and tried to move out of the way as the crazy man somehow managed to break out of his cuffs. Scuffling feet and fearful yells ensued as the red-eyed man grabbed a hold of Gethen and began to strangle him.

Echoes of gunfire rang out as the crazed man was shot down before he could do anymore damage.

The screen cut out immediately, going back to a shocked and slightly panicked newsreader.

Everyone in the living room of Schnee Manor stared in disbelief, fear, panic and realisation. The apparent White Fang members weren't White Fang members at all. For one thing, that man was human. For another thing, the symptoms he just displayed before being shot down were almost exactly the same as Weiss'.

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