𝚎𝚙𝚒𝚜𝚘𝚍𝚎 𝚎𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚢 - 𝚜𝚕𝚊𝚙

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Remember that I will always love you and stand by you whether you decide to side with the Saviours or not.

Daryl read the note from Madelyn over and over again, unable to pull his eyes away from it. What did this note mean? Did it mean that Madelyn thought he really was considering siding with Negan and his people or was she just trying to be supportive? Maybe the note was just as simple as it was. That she would support him no matter what.

Daryl sighed and he held the note close to his chest. Somehow, the note smelled of Madelyn. It was intoxicating. Seeing her in Alexandria that day, it made him feel many emotions. He was just glad she and their twins were okay. That's all that mattered.

As Daryl contemplated on what to do, a note was slipped under his door, which would later change everything.

🧟‍♀️ 🧟🧟‍♀️ 🧟

Back in Alexandria, Madelyn was with Oliva in Rick's house. Rick was out with Aaron, scavenging for more supplies since they were running dangerously low and Carl was...well, he was somewhere. Olivia and Madelyn were looking after Judith.

"Yeah, it's pretty, isn't it?" Madelyn asked Judith who was reaching for a doll. Judith nodded, making Madelyn smile. She couldn't wait to meet her own kids. She knew they would be as beautiful as Judith was. Madelyn was reaching the eighth month into her pregnancy and with only over a month left to go, she was praying Daryl would be back by then so they could experience the special moment together.

A knock on the front door was heard so Madelyn made sure Judith was playing safe before seeing Olivia head for the front door. "Who is it?" Madelyn asked as she came down the stairs.

"I don't know." Olivia said, opening the door and stopping. Madelyn went to the door and her eyes widened in shock.

It was Negan...with Carl. Negan let himself in with Carl trailing behind him. "Carl, where's-"

"Enid's fine." Carl said.

"How did this happen?" Madelyn asked.

"Things went wrong." Carl said.

"Great, great, great, great, great, great. Where's Rick?" Negan asked.

"I...um...I...." Was all Olivia could say.

"Where's Rick?" Negan asked.

"Olivia, it's fine." Madelyn said. "Rick is out scavenging for you."

"Aren't you as bold as your husband, huh?" Negan asked. "Anyways, I am glad to hear that. I'll wait."

"They went out pretty far. They may not be back today." Madelyn said, ignoring the first comment Negan made.

"We're running really low on everything. We're practically starving here." Olivia said.

"Starving? You? By 'practically,' you mean 'not really'." Negan said, making Madelyn look away so she wouldn't slap Negan for insulting Olivia. Olivia turned around and just started crying. "Really? You people seriously don't have a sense of humour."

"Hey, it's okay." Madelyn said to Olivia who was trying to calm down. Negan turned to Olivia and Madelyn turned to Carl. She motioned to Carl's eye which wasn't covered by his bandage and Carl motioned to Negan, which clearly meant Negan made him take it off for some sick reason.

"Excuse me?" Negan said to Olivia. "What's your name again?"

"Olivia." She said.

"Right, Olivia. I am sorry for having been so rude to you just now." Negan said as Madelyn resisted the urge to roll her eyes. "And it looks like I'm gonna be here for a while, awaiting your fearless leader's return. If you'd like, I think it would be enjoyable to screw your brains out. I mean, if, you know, you're agreeable to it."

Olivia slapped Negan and it took everything in Madelyn's power not to laugh or even show a grin. She had to bite onto her bottom lip to stop herself. Good on Olivia for defending herself like that. Negan got closer to Olivia.

"I am about fifty percent more into you right now." He said to her. "All right, well, I'm just gonna put my feet up and wait for my stuff to get here. Olivia, would you be a lamb and make us some lemonade? Now, I know I left you some of that good powered stuff."

"Well, I'm supposed to be with-"

"Make it. Take your time. Make it good." Negan said before Olivia quickly left. Negan then turned to Madelyn. "You, you can stay here with Carl and I. You're a pretty sight, even with the baby belly."

"Is Daryl alive?" Madelyn asked straight up. She felt like all of her fear for Negan had run out. Her anger was slowly slipping through the cracks. She was almost eight months pregnant. She had no time to beat around the bush.

"Whoa, ambush alert!" Negan chuckled. "Someone's getting brave but you know what? I like that. I see why Daryl fell in love with you. Beautiful and tough."

"Is he alive?" Madelyn asked, not caring about anything else.

"Tell you what. You carry on staying beautiful, I'll carry on keeping Daryl breathing." Negan said. Madelyn looked at Carl who nodded, indicating that Daryl was alive which was a huge relief. "You're close to Rick, aren't you?"

"I guess." Madelyn shrugged. She was not interested in a conversation with Negan.

"So, you would tell me if he were planning anything, right?" Negan asked.

"Rick isn't planning anything. He's looking for stuff for you. That's all it is." Madelyn said.

" Madelyn said

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