𝚎𝚙𝚒𝚜𝚘𝚍𝚎 𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚝𝚢-𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚎 - 𝚝𝚑𝚛𝚎𝚎 𝚏𝚒𝚐𝚞𝚛𝚎𝚜

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Madelyn walked slowly down the train track, headed for Terminus. It had been a few hours since she had found the sign. She prayed and hoped that maybe she would find Daryl somewhere on the train track, hoping that he saw the sign and hoping that he was on his way to Terminus too. Being alone like this reminded Madelyn of the first two weeks of the outbreak, when she was in Atlanta, before she met Rick. She was all alone and she wanted to end it. She felt like she had no hope back then but she had to keep going now. She had a fiancé that could be alive. Madelyn didn't see Daryl die. He could still be alive. He had to be alive. Plus, there was a safe place. Terminus. Maybe she could stay there.

Madelyn carried on walking on the train track when she heard a sound. The sound of groans. Walkers. They began emerging from the trees from either side of the track, worrying Madelyn. Like last time, Madelyn had no ammo left, she didn't have enough arrows to shoot and there were too many to kill on her own with just a knife. Madelyn had to run. She ran and ran as the walkers began chasing her. She hoped to find a weapon to defend herself as she ran, anything to get the walkers off her trail. That's when she spotted something. It looked like figures. Were they more walkers or just people? Madelyn didn't have anywhere else to go so she continued running straight towards the three figures and that's when her eyes widened in shock.

It was Rick with Carl and Michonne.

"Rick!" Madelyn called out as she ran, grabbing all three of their attention.

"Madelyn?" Rick asked as he saw walkers following Madelyn. Rick, Michonne and Carl all pulled their weapons and the four of them went one by one, killing the walkers until they were all dead.

"Oh, thank god." Madelyn said, hugging Carl, Michonne and lastly, Rick. "Thank god you're alive."

"Thank god you're okay." Rick said. "Are you hurt?"

"No, I'm fine." Madelyn panted.

"Were you alone this whole time?" Michonne asked.

"No, I escaped the prison with Daryl. We spent a few days together in the woods, looking for a safe place to stay in. We found this church house that was stocked with food so we decided to stay there for the day but walkers broke in and we got separated. I went back this morning to find him but he was gone, Rick. I'm scared. I'm scared something bad has happened to him." Madelyn explained as tears fell down her face.

"Hey, it's okay." Rick said before pulling her into a well needed hug. "I'm sure Daryl is fine. I'm sure he's alive."

"After leaving the church house, I saw the sign for Terminus and decided to just head there. I'm hoping Daryl is headed there too." Madelyn said.

"That's where we're headed." Michonne said.

"Is that a ring?" Carl asked, looking at Madelyn's hand. Everyone looked at her hand and indeed saw a ring. They all knew it was different to the one she previously had. Plus, she had taken that ring off quite a while ago.

"Oh yeah. Daryl proposed to me. I said yes." Madelyn said with a small smile.

"You're getting married?" Rick asked.

"Yeah, if we find him." Madelyn said.

"We will find him. Congratulations." Michonne said before hugging Madelyn, followed by Carl and Rick.

"We should keep moving." Carl said as he spotted more walkers approaching in the distance. Madelyn, Rick, Carl and Michonne carried on walking down the track until they made it onto a road.

"Thought maybe there'd be some houses down this way." Michonne said. "Maybe a store. There's gotta be some food around here somewhere."

Madelyn was pretty hungry. She hadn't eaten since the night before with Daryl. "Hey, look." Carl said as he spotted an abandoned car.

"You think there'd be anything in there?" Madelyn asked as they approached the car.

"It's worth a look." Rick said. The group approached the car and looked around for anything useful to take. There wasn't much but it was starting to get dark so they decided to stay the night by the car.

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It was now dark and Carl was asleep in the car. Michonne, Rick and Madelyn had made a small fire just next to it. "It was one small rabbit." Rick said. That was all they could find to eat.

"It was something." Michonne said. "Gotta hand it to the thing. Travelled well."

"Have you both noticed that's all we talk about anymore?" Rick said with a small chuckle.

"You mean food?" Madelyn asked. "Yeah, I noticed. I wish McDonalds were still in business. I'd do anything for a Big Mac and fries right now."

"Stop making my mouth water." Michonne chuckled as did Rick.

"I forgot what this feels like." Rick said as he looked up into the sky.

"Me too. I hope we're able to forget again soon." Michonne said.

"We're close. Just gotta make it through another day." Rick said.

"Do you think Terminus is a good idea? I only started following the track because it was a last resort." Madelyn said.

"If folks there are taking people in, they have to be strong." Rick said as he put the fire out. "They have to have a system. It sounds good."

"I wonder if the whole thing's legit." Michonne said before everyone heard a branch snapping, making them quickly turn around and grab their weapons. Rick stood up and looked around but saw nothing.

"We let people in." Rick said as he sat back down.

"We did." Madelyn said.

"So did the Governor." Michonne pointed out.

"That's always the thing, isn't it?" Rick asked. "Don't get to know till we know."

"I guess we really don't have any other choice." Madelyn said.

"This place might not even be there anymore." Rick said before a gun was put to his head.

"Oh, dearie me." A man said. Michonne and Madelyn went to grab their weapons but two more men came out of the shadows and pushed them away, holding a gun each to their heads. "You screwed up, asshole."


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