Everybody froze but Justin.

"Nigga you think I'm scared of that gun , I was born in this . My daddy taught me about niggas like you . You ain't gone pull the tigger"

Fredo kill him , he blacked my eye bae. My so called mother faked cried .

Nooo! What do you me- before I could finish I gold looking dart flew in my brother neck and he started to bleed .

"North pine" he said before his eyes closed

Renee get her upstairs. Fredo told my mother

I ran upstairs crying looking for my phone to call the police.

When I found it , it had been smashed and 100 pieces.

Locking the door I grabbed my suitcases and packed all my stuff I could get . But I almost forgot the box my brother got me .

My last possession of him .

Grabbing the box and throwing it in my suitcase then hopping out the window

Night time and I didn't have no where to go .

Making my way to me and Bree clubhouse. All I could think about is getting the fuck on .

I sept in there for weeks before I told Bree parts of what happened.

Bree mom allowed me to stay , but I didn't wanna over stay my welcome so I found a job .

Time I got out of school, I went straight to work.

HARMONY!!! She heard someone yell waking her up .

I rubbed my eyes and saw Bree , kentrell, Ben, and kd .

I only had a bra and biker shorts on and the cover was half way down .

Girl you sweating, must had a scary dream. Kd said causing Ben to laugh

Why y'all and my room ? I asked pulling the cover over my body .

Cause you got all the food. Kd said smiling

I mugged

Sit up I wanna she if she'll kick when I rub your stomach. Bree said and I sat up .

She rubbed my stomach and kaci didn't kick at all .

Kentrell was looking like he wanted to do it but just didn't wanna ask.

You wanna see if she move for you ? I asked him

He smiled and put his hand on my stomach.

Them long as fingers like E-T . Ben laughed

Kentrell was rubbing my stomach and kaci started moving around .

She moving . He mumbled

Ewww it look weird when she kick, like your stomach got a lump of something. Kd said disgusted

Ion like how you didn't move for me but wanna move when Kentrell touch you . Bree said moving kentrell hand and putting her ear to my stomach.

Bitch move . He pushed her off the bed

Y'all that's enough you to . I laughed

I think she gone be a daddy girl . Ben said as kentrell smiled nodding .

We had a small conversation then all the boys phones went off .

Mane imma punch joe . Kentrell said with a mug on his face .

Nigga was on live while you was recording. Kd laughed

What happened? Bree asked before I could

Ben passed her his phone then she laughed passing it to me .


#nbayoungboy friend went live showing us a preview of a new song ! Looks like he expecting a daughter

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

#nbayoungboy friend went live showing us a preview of a new song ! Looks like he expecting a daughter.

💬: 67,900

I gave the phone back before reading the comments.

I smile and instantly went back to a straight face when I noticed it.

Ouu I saw that smile mony . Ben she laughing

Y'all wanna watch a movie? Bree asked as I nodded along with everybody else .

Everybody got on my bed and layed down.

30min in the movie I thought about my dream .

Bree really I use to have dreams about Justin? I asked out the blue

Mhm yea , why what happened? She asked

Who Justin? Kentrell asked as me and Bree looked at him like he had two heads .

My brother . I sighed

You don't never speak on your family so tell me about em . Kentrell said which shook me

Never knew someone like him can act or actually care about someone background.

Maybe another time.

Ight I ain't gone forget, so next time be ready to give me some of your background . He chuckled

I threw a pillow at him and Unpaused the movie..

- longest chapter I did so far . I think 🤔

- green hearts = freekentrell

-let me get back to work !🤍

Harmony.🤍حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن