Chapter Eighteen- Coming home.

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~Serenity's point of view~

It's been the best week of my life. Trevin is truly the love of my life. I can't wait to marry him; He's going to be a fabulous husband and father. He is sweet and attentive. I couldn't ask for any better men for my babies. Trevin and Luke are both going to be fabulous with them. Luke has called a few times; Bridgette called after he proposed. I'm pretty sure they made a baby while they were gone. That would be awesome if they did.

I'm waiting for Trevin to get out of the shower. We have to go pick them up from the airport. I'm excited that they are coming home. I missed them. I am also ready to start our lives being a quad. I can't wait to see how this goes.

I go to the bathroom just as he steps out of the shower.

Serenity: "Holy hell."

Trevin: "It's all yours, Sweetheart."

Serenity: "I love that it is."

I use the bathroom. As I'm washing my hands, he comes up behind me. He kisses my shoulder.

Serenity: "Asshole."

I groan.

Serenity: "If we had time, you know you wouldn't turn me down."

Trevin: "I don't want to now. You and I both know that we can't do a quickie."

Serenity: "No, we can't."

He and I go for hours. I knew that we had chemistry before I knew it was him. Now that we're together, it's been even more explosive.

Serenity: "Please put clothes on."

Trevin: "No."

Serenity: "We're going to be late."

Trevin: "They'll understand."

He pulls me into the bedroom. I slide out of my panties as I do. As soon as I get to the bed, I go to my hands and knees.

He lifts my dress. He Foregoes foreplay and plunges himself into me.

Serenity: "Ohhh fuck."

Trevin: "Always so wet, Sweetheart. I fucking love the way you feel."

He grabs my hips and slams into me harder. I push back.

Serenity: "Oh, fuck me."

Trevin: "Ohhhh Mmm I am."

He pulls almost all the way out then slams into me.

Serenity: "Shit."

I lose it. I know that he isn't close. So, I continue to move back as he pushes forward.

Trevin: "Mmm."

He loses it.

Trevin: "Ahhhhh yes mmm."

He stays in me until he's done. Once he pulls out, we clean up and leave.

We get to the airport just in time. We park and go in. As soon as Luke sees me, he almost sprints to get to me. He drops their bags and pulls me into a kiss.

Luke: "I missed you, Babe."

Serenity: "I missed you too."

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