Chapter Seventeen- Wake up knock.

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~Trevin's point of view~

It's Wednesday. I decided to work from home. Well, Serenity's home. I haven't left her side at all. I don't need to; We did go get clothes for me to wear. Not that she lets me wear them much. I don't see how Luke keeps up with two of them. She has worn me out. I'm not complaining at all. I missed six months; I don't want to miss anymore.

The best feeling in the world is feeling my children kick. I know it hurts her sometimes, but to me, it's magical. I never thought I'd ever have a biological child. Let alone two. It's the best feeling in the world.

I'm lying here just watching her sleep. It's not even six am. I know what I need to do. I decided that after feeling my babies kick that first night. I knew six months ago that I needed to this her doorbell rings. I run my fingers down her cheek.

Trevin: "Hey, Sweetheart...."

Serenity: "Hmm?"

Trevin: "Someone is at your door."

Serenity: "What time is it?"

Trevin: "Six."

Serenity: "Who the hell is here this early?"

Trevin: "Let's go find out."

We both get up. She grabs jogging pants and a t-shirt from her dresser. I slide my jeans on and throw a t-shirt on. It's obvious we both just woke up.

We head down the stairs. I stay back a bit while she opens the door.

Serenity: "Dad?"


Dasher: "Hello, Sunshine."

Serenity: "It's early. Why are you here?"

Dasher: "I know you've been home alone. I was worried about you."

Serenity: "I haven't been alone."

Oh, this is going to extremely bad.

Dasher: "Luke and Bridgette are gone. Who's been here with you?"

She slides the door. His eyes lock on mine.

Dasher: "What the fuck are you doing here, Trevin?

Trevin: "I've been staying with her since Luke left."

Dasher: "Why?"

Trevin: "Luke is my son..."

Dasher: "What's that got to do with you being here?"

Serenity: "Dad..."

She says, but he ignores her.

Trevin: "She's pregnant, Dasher."

Dasher: "Don't play that bullshit with me. I know those babies aren't Luke's. He's stepping up, but he isn't their dad."

He steps closer to me.

Dasher: "Don't lie to me. Why are you here?"

Trevin: "I'm in love with your daughter."

He clocks me in the jaw.

He turns and walks towards the door.

Serenity: "Dad."

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