"I try my best," Odd grinned with a big-hearted smile.

Later on, the team regrouped after another deep search into Sector Five. The data had given them all they needed to finally run their program. "What exactly is the program?" William asked as they walked over the factory bridge. Jeremie glanced over to Sissi.

"It should be safe for now," She said.

"Right," Jeremie straightened his glasses, "We're gonna be launching a multi-agent system to take down XANA. It's the only way to completely defeat him once and for all."

"Isn't that risky?" Yumi asked. "I mean, XANA is a Multi-agent system as well."

"It'll be alright, Yumi," Sissi said, "We've already done some of the calculations, and we've made sure that everything is right as rain. Jeremie and I have been working on it for a while to get it ready. There's just one problem: The power."

"The Supercomputer should be powerful enough, but Sissi can't stop being paranoid about it. And so am I," Jeremie sighed.

"What's important is that we're ready for anything, and if XANA tries to rear his ugly head, then I've got something for him," Sissi grinned with the marks of a madman. Worry covered everyone's faces. Later on, while everyone, save Jereme, was eating at the mess hall, Odd kept asking Sissi about her secret weapon. "Don't worry about it," She said, "Just know that it should be enough to keep XANA at bay."

"But whatever we do," William added, "we're gonna have to figure out a way around our Kolossus friend. You know he's going to be there."

"I've been figuring that out," Sissi said with the same large mad grin. "Every XANA monster we've fought has a weak point, and most times it's where the mark of XANA is."

"So if we get those two marks on his eye and his sword-hand, we could defeat the Kolossus?" Ulrich asked.

"Exactly," Sissi grinned, "Swords would probably be the best. It would immobilize him. Thankfully, since William has been fighting with you guys, he's immune to XANA's possession... I hope. Either way, Ulrich doesn't have to be the only one."

"Well, now we have a battle strategy for Kolossus," William said, "But what about when XANA attacks Jeremie in the real world?"

Sissi rose her eyebrow but her smirk never left her face. "I'm proud of you all, you know. A few months ago, you all would have been calling me paranoid. Now I can't get you to stop thinking like me," She chuckled. "We need two people there with Einstein, so you and I will have to protect him."

"Right," William said. Just then, Einstein called them to the factory. They ran at full speed. Sissi glanced at Aelita who was running faster than all of them. "Slow down! Aelita! We're not as fast as you."

"Come on!" Aelita shouted back. They got to the manhole, went through the sewers, slipped down the ropes, and got into the elevator. Sissi couldn't shake the excited nature from her bones. She saw Aelita had it too. The corners of the elf's lips were at a slight upward curve.

"Are you okay?" Sissi asked.

"Yeah," Aelita replied.

"No bad feeling or anything?"

"No, you?"

"No... it's strange... Like... I know everything is going to go crazy but yet I still have...peace... It's so-" The elevator opened up and Jeremie was right at the keys.

"I got a message from Hopper to meet us at the Ice Sector," Jeremie said.

"Alright, you guys know the plan," Sissi instructed. Aelita, Yumi, Odd, and Ulrich went to the scanners while William and Sissi stood at Jeremie's side. The Mechanist explained her action plan.

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