Chapter Sixteen: Has The Sauce Gotten To Your Head And Made You Delirious?

Start from the beginning

He chuckles. "Sorry for the late notice. I understand if you can't come. But they're great seats!"

I smile. "I'll be there. It's just a matter of convincing my dad to let me go..."


"I'll ask at dinner. I promise."

"Pinky promise?" He asks innocently. I grin.

He reaches out a pinky, and I link mine with his.

"Deal," I say.


"I think she needs some time," I tell Natalia through the phone, pressing it to my ear with my shoulder as I crack open a can of soda. "You saw how angry she was, but she usually calms down if we leave her alone."

I hear my friend take a deep breath. "I know. But this doesn't feel like the other times, Audrey."

It doesn't. And I know exactly why, except I can't tell you. "Listen," I sigh. "I know it doesn't, but if we try to talk to Jenna she's going to get even more upset. We should leave her alone for a while, then try to explain."

Natalia groans, "I guess." Then she says, "Finish the essay for Mr. Franklin yet?" And I take the shift in subject to mean that this conversation is over.

I hang up a few minutes later and make my way to the kitchen, where my dad is making pasta.

"Hey, Aud. We're eating in ten minutes, if you want to set the table."

I try to set the table perfectly, because going to the concert is going to depend on my behavior. My dad's strict.

"Where's Jeremy?" I ask him as he tells me not to bother with the third place setting.

"He's upstairs laying down. He's sick. Could you bring him up a plate?" Dad asks.

I nod and take the spaghetti up the stairs, careful not to spill anything. I knock on the door to the master bedroom and see Jeremy lying down. He looks really ill.

"Hi, Audrey." He looks at the pasta and wrinkles his nose. "Please...please tell me your father didn't cook. He's dreadful."

I laugh lightly and shrug. "Sorry. It's probably not that bad." Jeremy gives me a dark look.

"Audrey, you naïve child. Has the sauce gotten to your head and made you delirious?"

I laugh and set the plate on the dresser, say, "Hope you feel better soon."

Jeremy thanks me and I head back downstairs, making sure to close the door.

When I get downstairs, my dad is sitting at the table, and it hits me that it's actually been a while since it was just the two of us. After Genevieve moved out to go to uni, Jeremy moved in almost immediately. I approach the table and sit gingerly in my seat, trying to be as police and good as I can.

"Hey, dad, I wanted to ask you something," I say, and he looks up from his pasta.

"Oh? That reminds me, I wanted to ask you something as well. You first, though."

I fidget with the tablecloth, avoiding his eyes. "Uh... you know the guy I went out with? Chris? He got tickets to go see a band I- a band I really like live, so would it be okay if I went?"

Dad frowns. "I don't know, sweetie. A concert? Do you know how many-" he breaks off and sighs. "I just want you to be safe. When is it?"

"Uh... tomorrow?" This is not going well.

"Tomorrow?" He exclaims. "That's practically zero notice!"

"Please, dad? I'll be safe, and I'll be with Chris the entire time, and..."

"I don't think-"

"Jeremy would let me!" I say, immediately regretting it.

My dad's eyes flash. "Jeremy isn't your father. I am. Which brings me to what I was going to ask you."

I don't continue what I was going to say, curious to hear what he is going to say.

"Look, Audrey... I know this might come as a surprise, but I'm thinking of proposing to Jeremy."

My fork drops out of my hand in shock. "What? That's amazing! When?"

My dad's frown disappears. "You're okay with this? It's a big change, Audrey."

"Of course I am! He's practically already a member of the family. He lives here. It's not unexpected, Dad."

Damn, our little family really seems to be growing. My mom died when Henry and I were only two, and now my dad's remarrying, but to a man this time. Genevieve is pregnant. Melissa is basically my sister-in-law because Henry has attachment issues and they'll most likely end up married before we even graduate. Oh and Jen and Nat are honestly honorary members because they're basically my sisters.

He sighs. "I'm glad you're taking it this well. Vivi didn't exactly..."

"She...she didn't?"

He smiles tightly. "She doesn't know him too well. I think it's all very sudden for her."

I think about my sister. She left for school right before Jeremy moved in. I suppose she might feel left out, or even like Jeremy replaced her in a weird way. I decide that I'm going to call Genevieve sometime soon to talk to her about this.

"I'll call her, okay? I'll make her understand."

My dad looks at me gratefully. "Thank you, honey. You're growing up so mature. I'm proud of you."

I get up and hug him. "Thank you. Does that mean I can go to the concert?"

He laughs loudly and rolls his eyes. "Fine. Be safe."

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