This sucks.

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I woke up in an excellent mood, still internally freaking out about the kiss last night. Naomi is in complete bitch mode though. I got up and dressed and showered. Ryan came over, and Naomi was pissed when he kissed me on the cheek. I'm keeping my opinions to myself and my mouth shut, but really, I just want her to leave. She's being rude.

"Can I borrow your car to go see my parents?" she asks me, irritated

"Uh, sure." I hand her the keys. "Don't crash it." I smile.

"I know how to fucking drive." She snaps. She walks out the door and I flip her off.

"She's being such a bitch!" I whisper to Ryan.

"I know." He pats my knee. "It's okay. Let's go out to the field, okay?"

I nod, and we gather our supplies and head out into the sun.


After dinner, people are walking around campus and they're on the lake and it's just a beautiful day. Dylan joined us a few hours ago, and he confirmed my suspicions. Dylan and Naomi broke up because she cheated and said she didn't mean to. You can't mean to not cheat.

I hear a familiar horn and all three of us look towards the parking lot. My car is parking in my spot, fully intact. The horn went off because she locked it.

I turn my attention to the project, and then I hear a scream, and it sounds like Naomi's.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" she starts swearing profusely.

"You forgot to put the car in park!" Some guy yells. "Are you kidding? That car is expensive!"

I jump up, shocked. Ryan and Dylan get up. My car, my baby, my precious car comes rolling down the hill because she didn't put it in park.

It's flying right towards the lake.


"No, fuck, no, no, no!" I gasp. Ryan and Dylan jump forward and help me, putting our hands on the hood, we try pushing it up the hill again, but the car is at least three hundred pounds, and defying gravity isn't the easiest thing ever. I hear it unlock, and Naomi sends the keys flying through the air.

If one of us lets go, the car is going into the lake.

"It's no use." Dylan pants. "We have to let it go.

"What?" I gasp. "No!" I push harder, but it's not happening. Some girl grabs the keys and unlocks the car. She gets in and starts it, and she tries pressing the brake and puts the top down.

"The break isn't working!" she says.

"Put it in reverse!" I say.

She does, and she tries to back up.

"It's not working!"

She shuts the car off and gives up. Professors and adminstrators are watching, and people join trying to push my car up the hill, but we can't get it it go enough, even with it in reverse.

So, Ryan grabs me and pulls me out of the way, and everyone lets go, and I watch as my baby, my beautiful car rolls down the hill, right into the lake.

People give me looks, almost snotty, like how I can afford another car.

"No." I whisper, looking at Dylan and Ryan. "No!" I start gasping. "I can't afford another fucking car!" I gasp. "How am I supposed to get to work? How am I supposed to get fucking money to feed myself!"

"Your parents-" Naomi starts.

"Don't you fucking dare say my parents!" I snap. "I refuse to let my parents pay for everything! I want to be abe to pay for myself and take care of myself, I don't want to have myself paid for!" I say. "There's got to be some fucking way." I shake my head and look at the lake, thick tears sliding down my cheeks. "I can't...I can't even..." I inhale sharply eight times.

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