8 - Oh, Dray... You're in love! How disgusting.

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It was the morning, and Draco was levitating Harry back into his own bed. Getting ready in record time, all while not noticing the ginger already awake. Grabbing his wand, Ron was prepared when his curtains suddenly swished open. Casting a protection charm, Weasley was insanely glad that he wasn't left spluttering and drenched. Even though the three boys would consider themselves friends by now, Malfoy was reluctant in stopping his tradition. It was his little serotonin boost of the day.

"Oh, you're awake," Draco said, disappointed when he saw that Ron was completely dry.

"Don't sound that sad," Ronald laughed, climbing out of his bed. They watched in satisfaction as Harry glared at them both while shaking his hair. The brunette was insanely annoyed that it was only he who was freezing today. But a quick spell fixed that.

"Good morning to you two gits," Harry muttered, grumpy.

"Morning!" Draco called back, sounding completely innocent and cheerful.

"Morning, mate," Ron said as well, grinning at the shorter man.

"Glad you're are as sadistic as always," Potter grumbled, walking into the bathroom to get changed.

Waiting until the tan man was finished, the three boys left together. McGonagall had not given them a time to be there, so they wanted to go there straight after breakfast. Grabbing a sandwich as well as an apple, Draco was the first to finish. Sauntering out of the Hall, he stood against a wall and waited for the other two to follow. Ron and Harry copied his movements, and all three were headed in the headmistress' office.

Knocking on the door, Ron was the first to enter when she called out an 'Enter!'. Sitting down in the chairs they had occupied so many times before, all three marvelled at the fact that this was the first that they had been here in quite a few months. Ever since the truce was made - as unofficial as it is - they hadn't visited the office. There wasn't a reason to. Other than their rivalry, the three were usually well behaved, and when they weren't it wasn't a serious offence that warranted a visit to the headmistress.

"Morning boys. Thank you for coming as soon as possible, and I apologise for not setting a time. I had forgotten to say," Minerva said, tidying away papers as she talked.

"Why are we here?" Harry asked.

"You see, as you three have settled your differences, I was thinking of moving you back-"

"What?! No!" Once again, the professor was interrupted by cries of outrage coming from all three boys' mouths, although this time it was a different scenario. 

Smiling slightly, Minerva continued, "As you wish. That was all I needed you for, so if you would like, you may return to classes. I did tell you it would work out in your favour." With that, the three men left, all of them were rather embarrassed from their outburst. They neglected to mention it, instead of focusing on everything else rather than each other. Separating for their own ways - Draco had Potions, Harry Transfiguration and Ron had Care for Magical Creatures - they weren't together until after school again.

"Pansy, help!" Draco shouted while walking through the Slytherin Common Room entrance after school ended.

"What?" Called Parkinson from a corner. The blonde stalked over, before heavily throwing himself down onto the sofa.

"I need your help," He stated.

Rolling her eyes, Pansy decided to tease the boy slightly, "Really? I couldn't have guessed. It's not like the whole of Hogwarts now knows because of your screeching."

"Oh, shush," Malfoy said, "Now help."

"With what?"


"No can do. Not my speciality. Have you tried Blaise?"

"He's too busy shoving his tongue up Longbottom's arse. It's about the Gryffindorks," Draco replied, dramatic as ever. Although there was some truth to his statement, however lewd it sounded to those around him.

"Mm. Fine. Come on then, let's go to my room," Parkinson said, getting up and leaving her stuff. Nobody was going to steal her Divinition homework, after all. If someone did, it was all theirs.

Passing Pansy's boyfriend on the way, and sending Daphne and another girl out from their shared dorm, the two Slytherins were comfortably seated on the vacated beds. "So?" Pansy prompted.

"Oh, it's horrid!" Malfoy moaned, crashing down onto his back.

"Yeah yeah. Save your dramatics for later. Tell me everything," Parkinson said, desperate for the gossip.

"So, you know how we're now friends? Well, I feel weird. It's like being friends isn't enough. It's gross. Whenever they smile I just feel fuzzy and all Hufflepuff-y. I can't seem to hate Ron's way of throwing everything onto the ground, or Harry's hair which always seems to be standing straight up. I want to make them happy and safe, and even when I make fun of them I never seem to mean it. At night I just want to protect them, which is silly since it's only nightmares-" Draco suddenly halted his monologue, and sat up straight. "Shit. I wasn't supposed to tell. You can't tell anyone, okay?"

"Of course. But what is this about nightmares?" Pansy asked.

"Well - and you really can't tell anyone I told you - but both Gryffindorks have nightmares. Ron started it first, and one night I saw him. One thing led to another and he slept in my bed for ages. Then Harry got them (like some sort of virus) and the same thing happened. Even now, one or the other comes over every other night. Surprisingly enough, they haven't met halfway yet. They don't know about the other having it, I promised them not to tell. But yeah, that's all." Nodding, Pansy showed she understood before she beckoned for Draco to continue.

"So, as I was saying, I want to protect them. It's also so fascinating to watch them when they actually enjoy something; like Ron when he's talking about chess and stuff, or Harry when it's about Quidditch. Even when they eat - and they eat like pigs - I can't seem to be disgusted. I just feel, I don't know, fond? Glad? That I'm even with them? It's confusing and disgusting and horrid and just not me!" In the end, Draco covered his face with his arm, resolutely deciding that he was just going to have to be miserable until the end of his life.

It was silent for a couple of seconds, while Pansy took in all of the new information. Then, suddenly, she just started to laugh. Confused and offended that his friend was laughing while he was going through such turmoil, Draco stared at her while pouting. "Why are you laughing? This is serious!"

His protests only caused Parkinson to giggle even more, and it took a good couple of seconds for her to calm down. "Oh, Dray... You're in love! How disgusting," She said while wiping a couple of stray tears off of her cheeks.

At her comment, Malfoy sneered, "As if! I just want to hug them, maybe pet their hair and soothe them when they aren't happy, just spend all my... time... around them... Fuck!" His realisation hit him like a truck, and he repeatedly smacked himself on the forehead in anger.

"Merlin, don't hurt yourself! It's not the end of the world," Pansy said, walking over and sitting beside the suffering blonde.

"Yes, it is! How could I have been stupid enough to fall in love! With them? With both of them! One is bad enough, but two?! Just end my suffering," Draco screeched, this time smashing his face into a pillow while Pansy patted him on his shoulder.

"You're being ridiculous. How many times have they stared at your arse? Is that not a hint in of itself?" Pansy asked.

"Of course they would stare at my arse. Have you seen it? It's amazing," Draco sassed, his voice muffled through the pillow. 

Rolling her eyes, Parkinson felt any pity she may have had towards her friend fly straight out the window, "Mm. Getting a bit cocky, are we?"

Sharing a laugh, Malfoy was already starting to feel a bit better, but not for long, "So when are you going to tell them?" Pansy pestered.

"Never?" Malfoy offered, thoroughly convinced that nothing Pansy says will change his mind. And that just made the girl beside him all the more insistent on getting her idiotic friend together with his idiotic crushes. And what Pansy puts her mind to, Pansy gets.


I hope you enjoyed it.


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