New Chat

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Time to talk to avrielmitchscott! Im so excited. Mitch had the best idea for us.

Avrielmitchscott- Hi!

Kirstin_ptx- Hi! what's your name?

Avrielmitchscott- I'm Seanna, hbu?

Kirstin_ptx- that's such a pretty name! Mine is April. How old are you? I'm 16.

Avrielmitchscott- 15. What's your birthday?

Kirstin_ptx- September 11, 6 days before Scott's. hbu,

Avrielmitchscott- mine is September 13!

Kirstin_ptx- woah! Our birthdays are so close!!

Avrielmitchscott- yeah! Synergy!! Well my dad is making me go do homework so I'll ttyl. Bye April!

Kirstin_ptx- bye!

That was fun. I wish Scott could have joined, but he had to leave. I hope we talk again soon!


Sorry this chapter is so bad. I have no creative juices rn so.. But there will be a better one either tonight or tomorrow so stay tuned!

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