A quirk, an ice cream, and a long road to U.A

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A/n the art is not mine but damn it's good. I felt I should have verified that in the last chapter. Ok story time.

Name: izuku midori ya
Quirk: poltergeist
Quirk description: grants the user a ghostlike aperance and let's the user use 3 abilities: ghost fire, which is just fire but transparent with a green outline; levitation, leaves behind a trail of fire behind him where he levitates; and mild telekinesis, basically inko's quirk. Abilities are powered by lifeforce, which is limitlessnessly produced by all living things. To activate the user must die.
It had been a good month since he had died and activated his, quirk which he calls poltergeist, and had been training with all might to get into U.A. though he was initially shocked to see small might and even more so when he wanted to make izuku his successor. He had learned of One for All and agreed to inherit said quirk. He was currently moving, well trying to move a fridge. "Come on yonge Midoriya, only a few meeters left" all might yelled into his megaphone thingy.
A/n you know those things with the empty come and handle. Looks like this 📣.
They had agreed that one more piece of trash was enough and that they would get some ice cream after.
After 12 minutes they called it quits and went for ice cream. "You know I don't need to eat right?" Izuku asked in a joke tone. "Yes but ice cream is good none the less, right?" All might responded. The had both agreed that vanilla was fine an that some chocolate sauce would be good as well.

Meanwhile katsuki was trying not to over think thing again. He had wanted to ask de-izuku how he died but, the thought that many he did it kept plaguing his mind. He had tried several times to ask but just kept demoralizing himself. It was starting to eat away at him. He decided that he would try to keep his peers from trying to bully izuku at school. He had to talk to him as well. 'All in due time.' he thought to himself. "GO TO SLEEP BRAT YOUR PACING IS DRIVING ME CRAZY!!!" Mitsuki yelled up the stairs. "SHUT UP OLD HAG!!!". It's going to be a long night.
Chapter 2 done. Yay. I didn't go to indepth about the training but we all know how it went. I tried to focus more on how the guilt of him possibly being the reason izuku died was making him upset, and I did badly. Anyway had a good day and stay safe.

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