how this all started

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Today couldn't get any worse for izuku. You see he had just had an encounter with katsuki, a particularly bad one.
Earlier today
'hmm that incedent this morning is all over the news' izuku thought to himself, scrolling through the hero news on his phone. Then katsuki and his gang walked towards him, and grabbed his note book and exploded it, and threw it out the window. "H-hey that was m-mean kachan.".  "Too damn bad nerd. Don't go to U.A, got it shit nerd."
"But I-"
"I don't give a damn, maybe there is a way to get to U.A....take a swan dive of the roof and wish for a quirk in your next life!" And with that he left.
Real time
'idiot, you can't go around telling people to kill themselves, what if I actually jumped' izuku thought to himself. As he was walking in the underpass he heard the sewer great rattling. Before he new it he was being suffocated by sludge. "It's ok kid, it will only hurt for 45 minutes, your a real hero kid." He grabbed and tried to free him self but it' was too late. He had died......but didn't feel dead. Exhausted he passed out.

All might was chasing a villain through the sewer system and had tracked him to an underpass outside Aldera Junior High school, and had finally arrived to find a K.Oed sludge villain and an unconscious ghost boy. The boy woke up, panicked and asked him a question, one that confused him quite a bit."can I be a hero if I don't have a quirk?" He asked. Now all might has seen and even heard some pretty confusing stuff but none more confusing than this. "Young one I don't understand why you would ask me dutch a question when you your self have a quirk" he said, while scooping up the sludge. The boy looked confused and looked at him self and saw that he was different. "So now I can be a you, and save people with a smile" he said, smiling. All might need then, from his sincere smile, that he had found a successor.
Alright, alright, all might. That's a chapter done. Now I have know idea what his poltergeist quirk is or if it has a name but if it doesn't then pls tell me in the comments or just give me a name idea. Thank you.

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