Those Were Just the First Sparks

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"Well, it's not like I have all this money! There's taxes, and then all those charities..." Olivia mumbles, trying to determine how much her petty attempt to stick it to Annabelle Soon to be Stephens would cost her.

John's done coughing, and their eyes meet. She gives him a hesitant smile, and he returns it warmly, and slightly shakes his head in amusement. She exhales in relief. So, this lovely bloke isn't intimidated by a financially stable woman. She knew he was a rare gem!

The dinner continues in the same manner. The hostess asks pointedly polite questions; Annabelle talks about her upcoming wedding; her betrothed is surly; and all the while Olivia and 'Jack' are having a criminal amount of fun.

Firstly, they are leading what she always thought was a cliché from romance novels, but never happened in real life - a silent conversation. Obviously, one can't discuss global warming this way, but after yet another mishap from the other guests, or another statement by Annabelle 'not at all Dowling anymore,' Olivia throws a look to John, and receives an eyebrow wiggle or a curled up corner of his lips. Sometimes she catches his eyes on her, and it's almost a 'can you believe that person?' and she has to work properly hard to suppress giggles.

Olivia loves John's sense of humour. The two of them click. They match. And his foot occasionally brushing at her ankle doesn't harm either. They're sitting across the table from each other, and she knows for sure it's him, since he's pretending to be drinking at that moment, and the Roger Moore eyebrow is back.

She returns the favour, and makes a bit of a show licking chocolate soufflé off her spoon, obviously after making sure he's the only one watching. Judging by the tense eyes and him shifting on his chair, she's doing a great job.

The dinner is over, coffee and cheese follow. There's an hour of decorous chat after that. Olivia spends more time getting to know his mates, and Addair's definitely the bloke after her heart. Orison blushes and mumbles, but she understands from the ambiguous hints and equivocality that he's considering moving to John' firm, and this dinner's a bit of a recruiting effort from John and Addair's part. It's looking promising, and she contributes into charming the lad.


Altogether, the dinner is a success. The two of them say their goodbyes first, and walk down the stairs, without waiting for the lift. She wonders why John's in such a hurry, but when he swirls her and presses her into the nearest wall in a deep enthusiastic kiss, she sort of starts sussing it out.

It's a bit of a picture from a chick flick, a bit of a scene from her novel - but she's not complaining! His large hot hands slide under her coat, and now she gets what his palms burnt her skin through the silk of the dress is all about.

"Have I mentioned I'm a sweet tooth?" he asks and pushes his nose behind her ear. His lips caress her skin.

Her earlobe starts burning, and then she hears the pearl in her earring click at his teeth.

"I've reckoned you are. Considering all the soufflé you've gobbled up..."

Does Olivia sound breathy? Yes, she does. No one can refrain from panting when a fit, massive bloke is nibbling at their neck, while his hands are stroking her sides, his thumbs drawing swirls on her stomach. He hums into her jaw he's currently kissing, and then moves to her lips.

"You had some too..." His tongue brushes at her lips, and she opens them slightly. "I can taste it..." he murmurs.

Her knees buckle. Would you look at that! This actually happens! She wraps her arms around his neck, and he straightens up, making her hang on him.

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