Chapter Twenty-Three

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Hope was nervous. She waited at the front gate of the school, she figured that if they met just outside the school then no one would see them leave together. She looked down at her balck jeans and slightly oversized navy blue knitted sweater, she was going for cute but casual. She didn't know if she should put her hair up or down so she left half of it up, though she was considering taking it out.

The sun was just starting to set, which made this a perfect time to go on a date. Or so she hoped. She was lending on a tree near the school gates when she heard someone walking up. Josie's hair was down, she was dressed in tight black jeans and one of Lizzie's shirts, a pink one that hung off one shoulder and showed a good portion of Josie's stomach. Hope felt her heart pick up a bit with each step Josie took closer to her.

It took a few moments for Josie to notice where Hope was standing, the second she did, she flashed her a wide smile. Hope pushed off her tree and walked over to meet her on the outside of the gates. "You look very nice." Hope said trying to keep the blush on her cheeks hidden, she looked nice in Lizzie's clothes. "I suppose you wearing something of Lizzie's means she knows where you are going... or who you are with?"

Josie fell into step with Hope as that started the walk to the town. "Yes Lizzie and I finally had that talk."

Hope raised her eyebrows. "And she let you out of the school?" She paused for a moment, letting the joke slide away. "In all seriousness, it went okay?" She knew Josie wouldn't actually let Lizzie barricade her in the school but that didn't mean it went well.

Josie nodded. "It actually did, it went better than I thought." She crossed her arms over her stomach, probably feeling the slight breeze from the on coming night. "It will take her time to be fully okay, but it could have been a lot worse."

Hope smiled. "So watch my back then?" She was glad when Josie laughed. "Don't worry I can handle Lizzie Saltzman."

Josie hit her shoulder off Hope's. "You just have to worry about handling me."

Hope gave her a look. "That sounds like a challenge."

A shrug. "Maybe it was."

Hope turned towards her, stopping them from walking. "Do you think you can handle an all powerful tribrid?"

Josie looked her up and down with a sly smile. "Try me."

Hope smiled like a wolf. "First one to the grill has to buy the milkshakes."

Josie's smile faltered for a second. "Bring it." She took off in a second. Hope couldn't help but laugh as Josie ran full speed toward the town, she supposed she could give her a head start. Hope counted to ten before she started running after her.

They decided to split the payment. Once Hope beat Josie to the grill, she was starving. She offered to buy them a small meal if Josie paid for the milkshakes. Hope didn't expect for them to be sitting in the grill, she wanted to get the shakes and go for a walk around the square but there was no grace in walking and eating a burger.

The odd thing about going on a date with someone you've known for most of your life, is what do you even talk about? She was going to ask the standard questions, favourites, like songs and colours, except she already knew all of that stuff. So the first little bit of the date was awkward as they struggled to talk about something. "Do you ever think about visiting home?" Josie caught her off guard with that. "I know a few times you were going to buy a ticket, but vacations, holidays, you always stay."

Hope wasn't expecting such a deep question so fast, but who else in the world would she trust to talk about this with. "The school is my home." She started to answer, until Josie gave her a look. "It is still too painful." She finally spat out. "I thought about it before, it was always my last resort when I thought I couldn't go back to school." She felt like crying. "Seeing that town, those streets, that house. Even if I were to stay with my aunt Freya, they are all over that town." She looked down at her burger. "I would like to go back one day, it is still a part of me, still my home, but I am not ready to face it."

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