Chapter Seventeen

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*I was going to wait to post this but I have zero self control*

Josie woke hours later to a dull throb in her leg. She was on the school bus, laying on one of the seats, pillows behind her to make her comfortable. What surprised her was that her legs were propped up on Hope's lap. The girl was sitting up, Josie's hurt leg on top of a pile of pillows, her head was leaning to one side, her hair was down now and covered half of her face as she slept. Josie didn't want to move and disturb her, she looked peaceful as she slept, Josie had the urge to tuck Hope's hair behind her ear so she could see her whole face.

She shifted but it was a mistake, pain shot up her leg causing her to flinch hard enough to wake Hope. Her blue eyes snapped open, alert and ready to attack, but they softened when she saw Josie awake, that made butterflies flutter in her chest. She remembers everyone hollering her name when the shelter fell, but when she looked back, Hope looked so powerful yet so scared as she held onto the spell that saved Josie's life. Not to mention she did the spell that fixed her leg... mostly.

Hope sat up, careful not to move Josie's leg at all. "How are you feeling?" Her voice was so soft compared to the harsh tone she used with Josie earlier.

Josie tried to sit up but she hurt herself again, she just settled for half laying down. "Surprisingly good, I guess I have you to thank for that." Why was Josie having trouble meeting Hope's eyes? "Thank you."

Hope smiled and that sent Josie's heart racing, she couldn't help but realize they were in this bus alone. "It was a team effort. You dad went back to help your mom supervise, Lizzie stopped by for a minute."

"How long have I been out?" The sun looked like it made its way across the sky, almost sunset.

Hope looked at her watch. "Four hours."

Josie managed to sit up now, shocked. "Have you been here this whole time?" Hope nodded. "I'm sorry."

Hope smiled as she rolled her eyes. "Don't be, you got me out of a team hike to the waterfall, the werewolves were getting annoyed and the vampires were getting hangry."

Josie tried for a smile. "Still being stuck here with me isn't the most exciting thing."

Hope shrugged. "They mixed the factions for the hike, like choosing teams in class... I am not a big fan of that so this was a good excuse." Hope muttered a spell under her breath and her fingers turned blue, she placed a chilled hand over Josie's leg, making it feel like she applied ice, it made Josie shiver a bit but not for the reasons she expected. "Too cold?" Hope looked concerned.

Josie shook her head. "No, just unexpected." She shifted uncomfortably. "Am I allowed off the bus?"

Hope made an unsure face. "Neither of your parents said you had to stay on the bus... I don't think they thought you'd wake up, do you want to get off the bus?"

Josie didn't want to admit that being this close to Hope with no one around was making her heart and stomach do some funny things. "It isn't the most comfortable." She tried for a laugh.

Hope picked up Josie's leg with the most gentle touch and placed it on the pillow. She held her hands out for Josie to grab, Hope pulled Josie to the edge of the seat. Josie felt heat rise to her cheeks when Hope lifted her with ease. She put most of her weight on Hope and they hobbled out of the bus. "It is okay if I lift you?" Hope asked her at the top of the stairs. Josie's face felt like it was on fire when she agreed, only because she didn't see any other way she was getting down the stairs. Hope put her arms under Josie's legs and behind her back as Josie looped her arms around Hope's neck. It felt odd since Hope was shorter than Josie but she had that werewolf strength. Josie was more than happy when they reached the bottom of the stairs and Hope had to put her down again.

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