Chapter 10-21

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*A/N – Please, please, please read until the end <3 (the chapters will be after the note)

Hello everyone, it's been (again, sorry) a long time since I last updated. 

I have been debating this for a few months now, even asking my friends for opinions on what they recommend me to do. So this decision has been very difficult to make and I have been trying to only write this when I was ready to do so. 

For quite some time I have noticed that my creativity has been hindered when it comes to writing. I was fearing it was another writer's block (before beginning My First Love I had one that lasted around 3-4 years). But then I began noticing that it could not be that as I was flourishing with other ideas that I had in mind. Like tons. And that is when I noticed that the problem had stemmed from this second party of My First Love.

Originally – when I wrote the first draft of My First Love – it was just supposed to be a standalone story. No second parts. It was a story I wrote for one of my dearest friends, as a way to portray how much I love her and how she and her community are seen too. In a way, it was a story that gave visibility and showed some insecurities that may arise throughout the process of accepting oneself. 

But the story was never supposed to end well. Because I wanted to showcase that some bad experiences can be good allowing you to grow up.

However, I was asked to make a second part so that I could give Vmin a second chance. I had no pressure to do so, but I began thinking that I could really give them that chance as a present to all of you who had supported the first part.

And whilst the story IS complete (I have everything planned out, I even had a third one-shot part), I cannot seem to write it. And so I evade it. I evade it to the point that I evade other stories I want to share. Other messages I want to convey. 

(Please continue reading after this, I will still add the chapters) So I came to the decision that I will not continue writing this story for now. If I one day feel I have the words to continue, I will pick it up again and give that deserving ending you all want. In the meantime, – as I feel indebted to all of you for your immense support (for which I am extremely grateful) I will add (under this note) how everything is planned so that you can all at least see how the story ends for Vmin.

I have also made my mind up (after like 1 1/2-2 years??) and I will try to go for the challenge of publishing My First Love. I am a bit nervous because this is all new to me and it is me making a step closer to achieving my dream. So I will try my best. Nothing would have been possible without you. So thank you.

And now I will shut up and give you what you all actually really want to read haha <3 (Also, please note, this is not a pass for anyone to steal my story/ideas and to write it. I do not allow anyone to use my works).

Chapter 10

At the office, Sakura asks Jimin about what he did. Jimin explains and suddenly when he is about to leave work, he receives a message from Tae (Yi-Seo in this case) who wants to see and play with him. They meet up and play whilst Tae takes care of something.

Chapter 11

When Tae comes back, Jimin notices that he is looking tired, but does not ask him if he is okay. Instead, he offers to help him take Yi-Seo home.

The walk back ends up getting Yi-Seo tired and sleeps. They talk and Jimin sees Tae's house.

Chapter 12

Tied #2 | Vmin [My First Love Saga]Where stories live. Discover now