A Sweet Proposal - Part 3 (Chp.10)

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I take a look at the tall building, clearly watching the only lightened up room. "Only you..." I say, quiet enough for anyone to hear. But there was not a single soul out here to do so.

Entering through the front door I am greeted by a running Yi-Seo. "Jimin, Jimin, Jimin!" I smile and pick her up, her hugging my neck. I let a laugh out.

"Look who is happy to see me" walking towards Taehyung I say. He smiles.

"Me" she answers back.

"Yes, you" Tae cheekily speaks. "Let's see if I can work now for a bit" we both look at each other and laugh. "I can't let you in, company policy."

"It's okay, I can manage from here." I drop Yi-Seo down carefully and grab her hand, because who knows what she may do if left alone to roam. "How come you're still here? It's pretty late."

"There has been an emergency, so I had to drop by" he sighs. "If I could, I'd be playing at home with her instead."

His words trick my mind into thinking the reason as to why he had asked me to come instead of Yi-Seo's mother. I am tempted to ask. But it seemed rude to ask about such a personal matter that had nothing to do with me. Even if it seems we are on good terms now, I should not push it too far. "Well, don't worry. We will have so fun and let you finish your work peacefully. Right, Yi-Seo?"

"Yes!" she replies, managing to agree without seeming to having heard us at all and whilst picking at my handbag. "Play, play!"

A/N* (Sorry, too short I knowww <3)

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