Chapther 1

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I woke up with the shine of the sun coming in my of my front window. Me and Dixie just moved in our apartment for a week ago and it's going pretty good with how the apartment looks. Really stylish.

You find a outfit for the day and took some natural makeup on

You find a outfit for the day and took some natural makeup on

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.


You went out of bed and went into the living room and watched 'the foresters' on Disney +

You where just staring on a new episode. When you hear Dixie come in.

"Good morning Mira" Dixie said and yawned

"Good morning Dix"

" Mira can you drive to Starbucks and buy some coffee" Dixie said and jumped on the couch

"Okay okay just because your my best friend" you said. And you went to the front door and took your shoes on. 

"Bye dix" you said and went out of the door.

You walked to Starbucks because your haven't find a new car yet.

You arrwied at Starbucks and bought you coffee.

You looked down on your phone. Cause Dixie just texted you.

But you bumped in to someone.

"I am so sorry" he said and look up at you in the eyes. He was beautiful. He had dark brown hair and brown eyes.

"No it's totally my fault.. I wasn't looking I'm sorry" you said with coffee all over your clothes

"Again I'm really sorry.. do want me to buy you some new coffees?" The guy asked you with a smile

"No you don't need to"

"Com-"  the guy was about to say something when he got message. He looked at his phone in a few seconds and layed it down in his pocket again.

"Sorry.. let me buy you some new coffees" the guy said again

"No it is totally fi-"

"Orgh come on.. don't be such a bitch and let me buy you some new coffees" the guy said really pissed off and mad.

"Who do you think you are talking to me like that?"

" come on don't be so insulted.. you just bitch"

"Oh... but this bitch just dump her drink on a freaking dick head"

"What are you talki-" before he could say anything else had you dumped the last coffee you had back and dumped it over all over his head.

" Such a bitch" he whispered and left.

You called Dixie and told what had happened and she said that you should come home.


"That guys is such a dickhead" Dixie said

"That was what I said" you said

After you came home you went upstairs and find some clean clothes and talked with Dixie.

"Mira.. you know that I'm famous on TikTok" Dixie said


"But these guys want to hang.. I had hang with them before because me and Charli have been on vacation.." Dixie said


"I had talked about you and they said that they wanted to meet you because you sounded like a funny and nice person.. sooo so want to hang with me and the guy?" Dixie said

"Oh... yeah sure why not" you said

"But when is it?" You said

"Tomorrow at 1pm"

"Oh.. okay cool" you said

You and Dixie decided to watch 'the foresters'


The time had become 5pm and Charli said she would come in like 10 minutes.

Some few minutes later charli came.

"OMFG CHAR I MISSED YOU!!" You said to Charli and run up and gave her a hug

"I missed you to" she said And walked to her sister and said hi

You guys sat in the living room and had a catch-up .

"What do you guys want to do I'm bored" you said

"Me too" Dixie said


"Oh no no.. don't want to make tiktoks" you said

"Come on Mira its gonna be fun" Dixie said

"Okay okay fine"

"okay we need to make a account for you" Charli said with a big smile on her face.

You made a account and made some tiktoks ( tiktoks In next part)


After you make tiktoks you ordered some food and watched 'the vampire diarres'

The time was 12 am and you had all three of you fell asleep




Who are you?// BRYCE HALLTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang