Chapther 9

500 7 0

You woke up the next day. You didn't even want to go out off bed because off what happened between you, Bryce and Josh.

Dixie came into your room and gave you some breakfast.

"Here" Dixie said and gave you a plate with breakfast

You didn't say anything but you just took it out off her hands

"Are you okay?" Dixie asked And sat down on your bed next to you

"No" you said

"Mira they are just boys... you don't need boys okay?" Dixie said

"I fucked up Dixie" you said

"It's okay" Dixie said and walked out off your room

You went into the bathroom and took a shower. When you had took a shower you find some sweats to take on and went downstairs in the kitchen.

Dixie came into the kitchen

"Hi Mira" Dixie said

"Hi Dixie" you said and went up to the freezer.

"What are you looking after?" Dixie said

"My Strawberry Ice cream... but I can't find it" you said

"That's because you ate all off it yesterday" Dixie said

"Oh" you said and took your keys

"Where are you going?" Dixie said

"Going to target to get some ice cream" you said

"Oh okay.. byeee" Dixie said

"Bye" you said

You went into the car and drove to target
You parked long away from target because they were about to rebuild the parking lot so there were only few parking lots back and all of the parking lots were taken.

And paparazzi began to come

"Oh no" you whispered

"Mira Mira" Fletcher(Hollywood fix guy) said

"Hi" you said

"How are you Mira"Fletcher said

"I have been better" you said

"what happened?" Fletcher said

"Umm.. just some private things" you said

" so Mira the fans wanna know do you have a boyfriend?" Fletcher said

"No I don't" you said with a little laugh

"So are you and Josh like thing or something" Fletcher said

"No" you said. When you heard him say Josh your heart broke in million pieces

"So what was all the flirting videos about" Fletcher

" that was just a joke because so many was shipping us together" you said

"So you and Josh are just friends?" Fletcher said

"Umm... no" you said

"Then why did you say you weren't together?" Fletcher said

"Because were not really friends" you said

"Did something happened or?" Fletcher said

"Let's just say it like this... I really screwed things up with Josh aaand Bryce" you said

"So what happened" Fletcher said

"No comment" you said

"Look who we have here" Fletcher said

Who are you?// BRYCE HALLحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن