Chapther 12

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Right now the time was 4pm. You were just talking

"So Mira do you have boyfriend?" Riley asked

"no I don't" you said

"wait what about that guy... what's his name?... Umm.. bruce?... no... yeah... Bruce" Riley said

"do you mean Bryce?" Avani asked Riley

"YEAH" she yelled

"no we're not together" you said

"why not?.... There are so many people shipping you with him" Amelie said

"yeah.. but he's mad at me for something that doesn't give any sense"

"what did you do?"

"Umm... so I kinda kissed... jos-" you said starch your neck

"WHAT YOU KISSED JOSH!!?!!" Avani yelled

"yeah.. it was a one time thing.. Bryce found out aaaaaannd now he's mad at me" you said

"so Bryce is you ex-boyfriend?" Riley asked

" no" you said

"so you were dating?" Amelie asked

"no" you said

"ooohh so you were talking" Riley said

"no" you said again

"that doesn't even get any sense" Amelie said

"yep that was what I just said" you said

"wait so let me get this clear... you kissed Josh and Bryce is mad at you.... But you and Bryce never had anything" Avani said

"exactly... and I don't know why he's mad at me"
you said

"maybe because he likes you and he saw you kiss his best friend" Riley said

"OMG BRYCE TOTALLY LIKES YOU" Amelie and Avani said at the same time

"no he doesn't" you said

"yes he does" Amelie said

"but the question is do you like him?" Avani asked

"I-I mean... okay fine yeah.. I like Bryce"


Some time after you went home. When you came home the time was 6pm and Dixie were home

You took your shoes off.

"HEY DIX" you yelled

"HEY MIRA" she yelled back

You went to the living room where Dixie was.
You sat down on the couch next to Dixie

"so where were you?" Dixie asked you

"i was just hanging out with Avani, Amelie and Riley" you said

"uuuhhh cool" she said and smiled

"so have Bryce or Josh answered you messages"

"no... but it doesn't give any sense that Bryce isn't talking to me... and when I said that to girls they said it was because Bryce liked me" you said

"Bryce totally like you Mira... that's why he's so mad because you kissed his best friend and he likes you.."

"but why aren't he mad at Josh?" You said

Who are you?// BRYCE HALLWhere stories live. Discover now