Chapter 9:

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Situations with Enterprise are getting a little worst but that far but it's was like the situation is about to

Enterprise's Dream

Enterprise: This scene again *Turn to her left and saw someone*

Enterprise: I don't understand what are you trying to accomplish by showing me this vision

Code G: War *Looking at Enterprise* War across all time weather on land or ocean I continue to fight every battle in the endless war this ocean and golf in the flame is my true crimson Lane as it will be for you

Morning at Azur Lane Base

Belfast: Good Morning Miss EnterpriseI hope he managed to get a good night's rest

Enterprise: Morning Belfast


At Azur Lane Base Kingsville, Pierre, Bougainville were getting to Patrol the waters but everything was situated

At the Docks:

America: Something wrong with Enterprise right I never seen her act like that this way

Kingsville: Yeah Everyone's talking about it too

Pierre M: She's get more stubborn as ever than I thought this situation is Continuing to get worst as ever bus for her behavior is gone more random than I expected

America: E and Enty are the same as always but I'm starting to think that something messing with Enterprise or something

America: That's going have to wait, For Now

Some where else on the base

George: I saw Enterprise when Belfast talk to her

Erie: Yeah I heard as well I never seen her act like that

Peter: да (Yes) I heard too

Ronald: The thing is everyone including E and Enty are worry about her

Kirisame: I don't know but it's hard to tell about her

Ramage: *Sigh* Let's hope she doesn't do anything stupid

At the Docks

E's Carrier

E: *Sigh*

Enty: Mom

E: Oh hey Enty

Enty: How are you feeling

E: It's hard to tell but I'm starting to get more visions everytime

Enty: Same to me Like I can't control fear and war

E: Same but the thing is she's stubborn right now I don't why but I think it has to do with what happened that day after that battle

Azur Lane Academy:

Prince Of Wales: the Sakura Empire is taken a bit of a hit they're going to need some time to recover unfortunately we ourselves orange in the in the best position to pound such an opportunity

Cleveland: Let guess you're you're talking about the black mental Cube and all of Enterprise's is strange behavior right

Prince Of Wales: There are plenty of reasons

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