"Hello?" Boscha said with a slight tone of sadness, "Are you still busy?"

"No, I'll be there soon." Willow noticed that she was upset, "Hey, are you ok though?"

Boscha quickly covered it up, "Oh yeah, I'm good!"

"Boscha. What's wrong?" 

"Nothing nothing! I'll see you soon." And with that the potion witch quickly hung up before Willow could ask anymore questions.

"Boscha?" The plant witch called out again, but realized the girl had hung up.

       Willow made her way to the flower clearing in worry. Once she got there, the plant witch searched for Boscha. The pink-haired girl was no where to be found. Taking a seat upon one of the picnic benches, Willow checked her scroll over and over in concern for Boscha. A few minutes of waiting, the potion witch had finally made it. 

"Hey." Boscha started without any emotion in her voice.

"Hey, I was worried about you." Willow replied without looking up from her scroll.

The pink-haired girl itched the back of her neck, "Yeah sorry about that, I uh-"

"It's fine don't worry about it." Willow interrupted.

"Are you mad at me?" Boscha sat a little ways off beside her. "I'm sorry for avoiding your questions, but really, I'm fine."

"I don't believe you're fine when you act like that." Willow put away her scroll, "I worry about you Boscha."

The potion witch guiltily looked away, "I don't want to make you worried, and I don't want to be a burden to you."

"You're not-"

This time it was Boscha's turn to cut in, "I am though, you don't have to fucking pretend that you like me!"

"Boscha listen to me!" Willow stood up angrily in front of her, "I'd never lie, so believe me when I say I do like you and I'm not pretending to."

Boscha looked up at those lovely green eyes rimmed with glasses and smiled weakly, "That's cute, you're wearing my jacket... Nerd." 

Willow's slight frustration subsided when hearing the off topic comment, "I- um yeah, y-you forgot it at my house. But that's beside the point! I want you to be honest with me." The plant witch began to remove the jacket.

"Keep it on! It looks better on you than it does me." Boscha fixed the jacket, pulling it over her shoulders again. "I'm sorry, I'll try and be more open with you..."

Willow hugged her, "I'm glad you're still pushing yourself to be better. Of course I'm going to worry, that's a given."

"Thanks Flowers" 

"Flowers?" Willow giggled at the name, "Is that another nickname for me?"

Boscha smiled a little "Oh yeah um, I thought it was about time for a better one besides Dr. Park or Half-A-Witch- I'm sorry for calling you that cruel name..." Her smile faded into a look of sadness.

"Hehe, it's fine, as long as I get to call you Bee though!!" Willow nudged at her causing Boscha to cheer up.

"'B'?" The potion witch asked, "Is that short for my name?" 

Willow held a finger up to explain, "Yeah your names starts with the letter 'B', but since I'm Flowers, then you're Bee! As in the things that go, 'buzz buzz'. It's cute isn't it?"

"Ew gross- Haha I'm kiddng!" Boscha chuckled. "I like it." The potion witch continued to laugh at the girl's expression of hurt before she moved on to another topic, "Hey Flowers?"

"Yes Bee?" Willow said with a silly grin.

Boscha felt a cold sweat down her back, "There's going to be this party soon and I was wondering if-" A call from her parent adruptley interrupted her before she finished. "It's my father. Sorry I have to take this." Willow nodded silently in understanding.

"Boscha." A gruff voice said from the other line of the scroll call.

"Yes sir?" Boscha said steadily making sure there was no hint of weakness in her sound.

"Your mother and I have important matters to attend to, we'll be gone for quite some time. However, I want you to attend the Blight's ball they are soon to be holding. I expect that you do not make a fool of yourself and our family name. Show the Blights how reliable you are by being present at the ball. Am I understood?"

Boscha quickly replied, "Yes sir." And with that her father quickly hung up as fast as he called without another word.

"Is everything okay?" Willow quietly spoke up placing a hand on Boscha's arm.

The potion witch pinched the bridge of her nose angrily, "Yeah yeah, just my irritable father telling me to things I'm already going to do. It's no big deal though."

"Oh ok." Willow scooted closer to Boscha on the bench. "So what were you going to ask me? Something about a party?"

"Um yeah, I wanted to know if you'd like to come with me to the Blight's masquerade that's coming up?" 

"Oh! You mean Amity's party?"

Boscha looked confused, "You know about it?"

"Well I am somewhat friends with Amity again, and she invited Gus, Luz, and I this morning."

"Hmm, makes sense." Boscha mumbled to herself.

Willow answered her question, "But yes, I'd love to go to the party with you."

"Really?!" Boscha said sounding a little more happier than she should.

"Mhm, of course." Willow smiled warmly at her excitement.

The potion witch got up from the bench, "Okay c-cool! What time do you want me to take you? Do you want me to pick you up at your house or-"

"We have a few days to sort out the times before the party, relax Bee."

Boscha sat down again, "Haha, y-yeah sorry." She said blushing at the nickname. 'You idiot, shut up already!' she thought to herself.

       Both Willow and her couldn't wait for the masquerade!! They spent the rest of the day chatting aimlessly without end at the park. Eventually, it became dark and the two went their separate ways after Boscha walked the plant witch back home. Tomorrow was a school day, so they would see each other soon, but even then they're still excited to talk to one another. 

★To be continued!★

Word count: 1660

A/N: Omg, Boscha is such a gentlewoman walking Willow home like that- Anyways, thank for reading! Stay safe.

I hate that I don't hate you (Boschlow fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now