Chapter 7

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Chloe woke up the next morning with a stompic ache. "Honey, can you make it to school?" my mom asked. Chloe is in 1 st grade and always gets sick! On not trying to jinx anything, but I bet Chloe will come home with the stompic bug.

    McKensie and Sophie (the 4year old twins) looked really cute today. They had pigtails and sparkling boots. "Mom, wasn't it sopossed to snow today?" I asked. "Yep! Ali you know those weathermen! They can't predict one thing right!" that was actually true.The weathermen always get the weather wrong!

  I went to school and saw Melody in the hallway. "Melody!!" I shouted. "How was your weekend?" I asked her. "Good! Thanks!" she told me. In P.E. we did the usual!

  I showed Melody my layout and my full and she was stunned. I told her she should join gymnastics, but she is a swimmer. "Man Ali! Those weather people are crazy! They said it was sopossed to show and it is 83°f here!" "I know Melody! My mom even agrees!"

I walked home and guess what!......Chloe was throwing up! I knew it!

At Gym


"Girls, how do you like your new equiment? I dropped it off a little...early," Coach asked us.

We all nodded showing that we though it was awesome!

This weekend we have another meet. It will be at a gym that is 20 minutes away called Ultimate.

I practiced floor pretty much the whole time. I was mainly doing my layout. Coach wanted me to practice my dance elements too.

I quickly showed her my routine and she pretended to judge it.

That's Just Crazy Coach Jennifer...

I really need ideas! Give me ideas! Thanks!

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